It’s that time of year!!
Haven’t dug your dahlias yet?? Don’t fret! As long as the ground isn’t frozen your dahlia tubers are perfectly fine! This year has been so weird. Even though my plants are damaged my dahlias are still alive! Don’t let that fool you though, it’s time to start digging!
It takes me about 2 weeks to dig all of my tubers. I actually prefer to leave them in the soil as long as possible because they’re always happier in the ground than in my basement. My goal is typically to get the dahlias tubers dug and tulip bulbs planted by Thanksgiving but I can already tell this year I’m unlikely to meet that. The warm fall combined with my still delayed tulip bulbs will have me active in the garden well into December. Let’s just all hope I can get everything done before the snow flies!
There’s always so much to do in the fall! Digging dahlias, planting tulip and daffodil bulbs, prepping beds for next spring, planting cold hardy annuals, and next week I’ll even start preparing Christmas items! I keep asking time to slow down but it just keeps rushing along! I even realized that’s been a year since my garden kitty Callie showed up! Crazy! For those that don’t know Callie is my first unofficial employee. She showed up in the garden one day last year while digging dahlia tubers. After an unsuccessful attempt to find her previous owners she made it clear she was pretty happy to hang out with us! In exchange for catching voles and mice, she gets a warm house and bed to sleep in, all the food she likes, and lots of pets and snuggles from my 3 kids! She seems pretty happy with the arrangement!
Hope you all have a wonderful week and happy digging!