So Trysh is amazing. And RIGHT.
When deciding which florist to hire, look at their social media, their website, and portfolio to see their best work. If they do loose, airy, garden flowers and you want tight, round bouquets, maybe they are not for you! A good florist can do just about any style well, but why not choose one that creates the look you want artfully?
And when it comes to photography - the same goes! Look at their portfolio and social media. Do they have a true to color style? A bright, almost washed out style? Dark and moody? A good photographer can give you any editing style you want - but again, why not choose one that gives you art?
As a florist, I LOVE when I get to work with Trysh Jaeger Photography - she edits in bright, crisp, clean, true colors. She can do any style you want, but I love seeing my flowers look true to themselvesπ€
It's the first in June!
Please check out and support my amazing florist friends π
(photo on the left)
(photo on the right)