RedEvent Entertainment is a n entertainment and event planning agency that focuses on creating and delivering unforgettable events. Special events is our specialty! Grown out of a long established marketing company, we have all connections in place to source the vendors you need for your event - starting with locating and negotiating with your perfect venue, live band/ entertainment, food and liqu
or packages, appropriate decor and flower arrangements ending with extra entertainment options (for ex, clowns for kids, Blues Brothers for themed parties, special guest singers/speakers etc)…
You have a dream, we make it reality! Don't have a dream? We can share ours with you. RedEvent has a series of its own events in Chicago. One of them - the RedEvent! - is a series of Social Events for Businesses - is very successful upscale business networking productions with lots of appropriate (and educational a lot of times) entertainment. You can enjoy top Chicago Jazz performers (for example) while socializing with likeminded business connections. Stay in touch with our page for current updates on when is our next RedEvent. Producing special events is another specialty of Red Event Entertainment. Currently we are working on a very special production - Romantic Valentine's Evening 2014 - Dinner, Dancing & Romancing! Here is the link to this amazing opportunity to spend the most intimate evening of the year in the greatest settings of Chicago's most premier dining and musical excellence.
We love what we do! If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us here on FaceBook - we are always glad to hear from you! Stay entertained,
RedEvent Team.