Spark is a fire and flow retreat that will take place in Chillicothe, IL at beautiful Three Sister’s Park (home of Summer Camp Music Festival) August 3-5, 2012. This fun-filled weekend will offer workshops from many different flow arts including, but not limited to:
Drum Circle for Fire Jam Performance Saturday
Fire Walking
Fire Eating
Fire Breathing
Fire Whip
Fire Weapons
Djembe Drumming
Slack line
Martial Arts
Aerial Yoga
Fire Safety
Partner Poi
Contact Juggling
Cyr Wheel
Aerial Silks
Double Staff
Belly Dancing
Veil Dancing
Tumbling & Balance
Rope Dart
Devil Sticks
Fire Performance Gatherings every night
Each evening, there will be a fire jam with live DJ’s, and there will even be a fire spinning dance battle on Saturday night! Before the event is over, the Spark community will come together for a final brunch on Sunday morning. This will be time for everyone to recognize their great achievements and gather as a community before it is time to head home. We already have an amazing instructor line-up for this year with more exciting news to come! Check out some of the great talent coming to this event!!!:
Olive Oyl, Noel Yee, Thom Thumb, Michael Parisi, Brian Shank, Carenza Bint Asya, Howard Chen, Peter Schroeder, Jorden Dundich, Jameson Overturf, Eli Pearsall, Lynn Spencer-Nelson, Suzanne Richardson, Jerry Hatcher, Tara (Aenya) Cossell, Dan Anderson, Andy Rowe, Acro Nym and Majik, Jenn "Jennuine" Rauscher, Flec Mindscape, and even more announcements coming soon!!! Don’t miss your chance for advanced early bird tickets!!!! Tickets will be on sale in just a few days! Purchase tickets online at
Come enjoy a great weekend filled with learning, camping in a beautiful park (very close to grocery stores, restaurants and hotels for those less inclined to camp), and building life-long memories with others in this amazing flow community.