45 minutes left today! We are still at the New London Park and will be open until 3pm!!! There are free solar eclipse glasses just dropped off so come get yours!! Also Aidan Albaugh is playing until 3! Come hang out with Rich and Bob…. They are here and ready to chat!
West Clarksfield Smokers will see you tomorrow!! New London at Hometown Holidays Event! #smellssogood #westclarksfieldsmokers #whovillechristmas #pulledporksandwich #macandcheese #smokedfood
#WhoLondon Hometown Holidays in New London is getting a taste of the best smoked food this side of mid north Ohio on December 9th from 10-4 or until we sell out! #WestClarksfieldSmokers #smokedfood #whovillechristmas #christmasshopping
West Clarksfield smokers on April 29th at Matus Winery to be entertained by Two Man Group