Last week we started to get into some important logistics that will keep your big day on track, and everything accounted for. This week, I have a few more things to add to your list!💐🤍
1.Special Roles are Assigned
-Make sure you have selected and spoken with any person who you have chosen to play a special role in your ceremony or reception. This could be anyone doing a reading, leading any cultural or significant ritual,making sure your guests respect your unplugged ceremony wishes, or giving a speech/toast at dinner. Communication and organization are key to the important moments you want to do for your wedding day, and making sure every person you have selected to participate needs to know what they are doing, and when.
2.The Distributor
-Don’t forget to make arrangements with someone you trust, or your DOC to handle any final payments or gratuity cards to your vendors. It is important that you and your spouse enjoy your day with as little worries as possible!
Ohio Wedding Photographer
Cleveland Wedding Photographer
Illinois Wedding Photographer
Chicago Wedding Photographer
Look for your wedding photographer? I’d love to be your girl! My 2025 and 2026 books are filling up! To learn more about me and how to secure your spot- please visit my website in my bio!💍🩵
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From winter chill to summer thrill, I’ve got the perfect all black vendor fits for every wedding no matter what time of year it is! Who says you can’t slay while you shoot? 🖤📸🪩
Chicago Photographer
Illinois Photographer
Cleveland Photographer
Ohio Photographer
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Photographers- we’ve all been there haven’t we? Sometimes I get a little too excited about getting my sessions started and this happens more than I’d like to admit.😅
Chicago Photographer
Illinois Photographer
Cleveland Photographer
Ohio Photographer
#clevelandphotographer #ohiophotographer #clevelandweddingphotographer #ohioweddingphotographer #chicagophotographer #illinoisphotographer #victoriagphotography #chicagoweddingphotographer #illinoisweddingphotographer #wisconsinphotographer #wisconsinweddingphotographer #milwaukeephotographer #milwaukeeweddingphotographer #lakeshoreinlove #weddingphotographer #photographer #photographerproblems #victoriagphotography #midwestphotographer #canonphotography #columbusphotographer #columbusweddingphotographer #djo #lol #ohioportraitphotographer #illinoisportraitphotographer #chicagoportraitphotographer #clevelandportraitphotographer
Who you think you’re hiring vs Who shows up with her!🕺🏼🪩
One of my favorite things about shooting weddings is having the opportunity to join in on the fun. I love having a great time with my couples- especially if and when the dj puts on anything by Taylor Swift or Wobble. (Major shoutout to my assistant @fractured_edge_photography for capturing most of these moments!).
If you’re looking for a photographer that likes to have fun and is passionate about her work- my books for 2024,2025, and 2026 are open! 📸🩵
Cleveland Wedding Photographer
Ohio Wedding Photographer
Chicago Wedding Photographer
Illinois Wedding Photographer
#ohioweddingphotographer #clevelandweddingphotographer #chicagoweddingphotographer #ohiophotographer #clevelandphotographer #midwestphotographer #eriepaweddingphotographer #wobble #lakeshoreinlove #shesaidyes #illinoisphotographer #ohiowedding #chicagowedding #2025bride #columbusweddingphotographer #akronweddingphotographer #victoriagphotography #2026bride #destinationweddingphotographer #weddingphotographer #weddingphotography #2026bride
Here’s a little bit about where I started, and where I’m at now. I can honestly say that photography has been a part of me for my entire life and it’s something I am so incredibly passionate about. If I could tell 16-year-old me that I would end up here I don’t think she would believe it- but I know she’s really proud of me.📸🤍🥲
Chicago Photographer
Cleveland Photographer
Ohio Photographer
Cleveland Wedding Photographer
Chicago Wedding Photographer
#ohiophotographer #ohioweddingvenues #ohioweddingphotographer #clevelandphotographer #clevelandweddings #clevelandweddingphotographer #chicagophotographer #chicagoweddingphotographer #illinoisphotographer #illinoisweddingphotographer #wedding #photographer #victoriagphotography #2024bride #2025bride #weddingphotography #lakeshoreinlove #ohioweddings #chicagoweddings #2024wedding #bridal #weddingwire #theknot #knotweddings #clevelandakronweddings #portraitphotography #chicagoweddingphotography #portraitphotographer #seniorphotographer #familyphotographer
SURPRISE! The new site is LIVE! this business has been my blood, sweat, and happy tears for the past three and I’m so excited to finally give it the update it deserves! Much love to Designs LLC who is the mastermind behind all of this. Angela designed the first draft of my logo and website when I first started and it’s been a pleasure working with her again! (Seriously please hire her she’s the best!)
Now please take some time and enjoy the new brand! It’s been an amazing three years so far and I can’t wait to see what lies ahead! Please pay me a visit at the new and improved
Happy Friday everyone!🤍