Today, 1 October, in 1608, twelve years before the Pilgrims landed in Plymouth, the first Polish settlers arrived at Jamestown aboard the English ship Mary and Margaret, for the purpose of establishing a glass industry in the colony. Following a journey of approximately three months, the Mary and Margaret landed at Jamestown and the Polish settlers first set foot on American soil. Two of them were identified in historical documents as “Robert, a Polonian” and “Mathew the Polander.”
Upon their arrival, the Polish settlers built a furnace and began manufacturing glass products, which were the first made-in-America products that were exported to Europe. In fact, the Poles contributed greatly to the establishment of the new settlement as they were not only experts in manufacturing glass, but also pitch, tar, and other products necessary for the success of the new colonies.
The arrival of the Polish settlers in Jamestown is commemorated annually by Polish Americans across the United States on October 1, which also marks the beginning of Polish American Heritage Month.
See more at: https://kafkadesk.org/2021/10/01/on-this-day-in-1608-the-first-polish-settlers-arrived-in-america/