A lot of people ask me how to change a lightbulb… but what I do know is that Zeal Coffee will be at @wildflourbakeryoh next Saturday, Feb 22! ☕✨ See you there! #ZealCoffee #ClevelandCoffee #WildFlourBakery #ClevelandEvent #ThisisCLE #Funny #CoffeeCart
Had a great time @columbiaballroom1931 open house! If you’re planning your wedding or event, check out their page. And if you’re looking for hand crafted espresso drinks for your next event, reach out—we’d love to connect!
#zealcoffee #coffeelovers #clevelandcoffee #clevelandevents #coffeecart #mobileespressobar #columbiaballroomwedding #wedding #coffeeandwedding #bride #groom #coffee #columbiastation
Every cup that Omaly and I craft is with passion, and every review means so much to us! Thank you for supporting Zeal Coffee and allowing us to serve you with fervor & joy! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#gratefulheart #zealcoffee #servewithzeal #coffeelovers #5star #clevelandcoffee #coffeecart #mobileespressobar #clevelandevents #coffeeroasters
Hot chocolate, tiny barista edition ☕️👧🏻 Because at Zeal Coffee, it’s all about family, faith, and a little fun behind the machine!
#zealcoffee #mobileespresso #coffeecart #familybusiness #funny #baristatraining #hotchocolate #coffeelovers #mobileespressocart #family #faith
Espresso, passion, zeal. Let us bring the perfect brew to your next event! ☕✨
#zealcoffee #coffeecart #mobileespresso #clevelandcoffee #clevelandevents #coffeeroasters #coffee
Thanks to Verizon Digital Ready, we’ve been able to take Zeal Coffee to the next level! We’re so grateful for the resources that continue to help our business grow and thrive.
Digital Ready does not guarantee outcomes, and your results may vary.
#VerizonPartner #DigitalReady
Enjoy an iced latte made just for you from our mobile espresso cart! Grateful to share our coffee with you✨☕️
#ZealCoffeeCo #MobileEspresso #IcedLatte #CoffeeLovers #ClevelandCoffee #POV
Rainy days and roasting beans—there’s something calming about the process 🌧️
Watch as we prepare and roast our coffee, from start to finish. ✨
#ASMR #CoffeeRoasting #ZealCoffeeCo #CoffeeRoasters
Bringing the perfect blend of passion and purpose to your events! Zeal Coffee Co. is here to serve with love, one cup at a time. ☕️❤️
#ZealCoffeeCo #EventCatering #ServeWithZeal #FamilyOwned #ClevelandCoffee #ClevelandEspressoCart #FaithBasedBusiness #Jesus&Coffee
Tag that friend who always appreciates a good cup of coffee! ☕️
#zealmoments #coffee #latte #latteart #coffeecart #mobileespressobar #cleveland #clevelandcoffee #coffeeshoponwheels #smallbusiness #faithbased #christiancoffeeshop #latinoownedbusiness