
TriviaNite216 2 rounds of fun, funny, intriguing & challenging questions of wide-ranging & fun categories.

...hold your applause

...hold your applause


Just a reminder that Randy and I are off this week from our famous game of Flyers Bar & Grill trivia, but will make our triumphant return NEXT TUESDAY, July 30th, and restart the game action. Don't get down, don't get depressed, you're as close to Tuesday trivia as you have ever been since our last game.

See you soon!

Where am I?

Where am I?

***UPDATED: The actual final standings are now posted. What I posted last night were not at all accurate.Congrats to ton...

***UPDATED: The actual final standings are now posted. What I posted last night were not at all accurate.

Congrats to tonight's winners:
1st - The Cougars and The Cougars (they outlasted all the drinks!)
2nd - Bookworms and Electric Lemonade(!)

Thank you again for your support of the evening, atypical as it was. It was unique, serene, scenic and comfortable. Much appreciation for the venue for giving us a try.

That being said it was the only 6-week contract in 6 years of doing this that wasn't renewed. The 'specialty' drink sales paid for our services, so everything else was profit (after net). Yes the economy sucks, people have to make decisions. Randy and I were even willing to re-negotiate our rate in order to keep some consistency with the summer events. Unfortunately, it fell on deaf ears.

We're STILL at our Tuesday spot, but based on who dips in/dips out, we're basically at capacity. So the search for something akin to our former Wednesday spot continues.

Stay curious!

Tonight! 7PM! Finale!

Tonight! 7PM! Finale!


Well,'s true.

After tomorrow evening, Thursday's are over at the bucolic, park-like setting at the beautiful Country Lakes Event Venue.

Again, we appreciate everyone who 'doubled-up' from both locations or celebrated special occasions during our Summer run. Thursdays were such a great evening. Oh, man...those specialty drinks!!!!

To that end, Tuesday isn't enough for Randy and I.

If you, as a supporter of our game, are out and about talk to any bar, restaurant, tavern, event center, gazebo, etc owner perhaps they don't have a trivia night and are unaware of what we bring to the table which is absolutely average, just barely trivia and toxic positive edutainment (as you know).

If they happen to be fans of either Ponys...or the other thing...that helps.

Send them our way or send us their way. We have SO many games built to share. Just need the room.



Oh man!

Did we have ourselves a GAME last night at Flyers in the Heights of Parma! We had NO idea how either round was gonna pan out. Every final was a mystery. Randy's math is also a mystery (juuuuuuuust jokes, my friend of 40 years!).

Thank you to ALL the teams that dipped in on a Tuesday night to join what it is we have to offer. Multiple teams are double-dippers between Flyers and our Th spot, and we sincerely appreciate not think we don't! We see you.

Congrats to our winners! 2 rounds, 4 DIFFERENT winners! This is what we consider a perfect night!

1sts: Electric Lemonade (FINALLY drank themselves to first place!); Jeffery Dumber (great to see you all again...'clearly')

2nds: 5 Beanz (always formidable); Scooby Gang (miss the full Bookworms but thank you for your support).

Just a reminder that we are off next week as some of us are on vacation (Universal!). But we will be back on July 30th and will be very excited to reconnect with you all! The game is already built and, I might say, it's perfect.

Oh, this just in...we are retiring audio categories!

An aside: take a moment to keep our long time supporter (literally, gig #1) Scott from Menace to Sobriety in your thoughts as he continues to rebound from his highway motorcycle accident suffered driving home from our night 2 weeks ago. He's 'okay', but roughed up... it could've been so much worse. We hope to welcome him back as soon as possible.

All the best to you - stay curious!


Regular round categories for tomorrow's FINAL game at Country Lakes Event Venue - Broadview Heights on 7/18/2024! Thanks everyone for your support of this fun and different location. We hope you can spend one final evening with us.

Round 1:

1.) The Simpsons
2.) Innovations (m/c)
3.) Candy
4.) Dog Breeds
5.) The Sporting Life (m/c)
6.) Movie Props (visual)
7.) Science +2
8.) Foods (m/c)
9 ) Railroading
10.) Survey Says!

The 'Always Easier' 2nd Round™

1.) City Nicknames
2.) Video Games (m/c)
3.) Technology
4.) Match Game!
5.) Sorting +2
6.) In The Pantry (visual)
7.) Cosmetics (m/c)
8.) Music of Disney
9.) Human Behavior (m/c)
10.) Within +2

Perspective is everything!Our Tuesday perspective? We are SO EXCITED to be reuniting with our Flyers trivia family! It r...

Perspective is everything!

Our Tuesday perspective? We are SO EXCITED to be reuniting with our Flyers trivia family! It really feels like forever, so we are jazzed to present another perfect game this evening. You are gonna love it. How do I know? Because I love it! Randy loves it! So, take our word for it. If you haven't played with us before, TONIGHT is the NIGHT!

Food, drink specials abound, so come in and save some money and juice up your work week! Feeling maybe not so smart on a Tuesday evening? Well, every specialty drink your team purchases in Round 1 earns your team +2 bonus points on top of what you accrue throughout the first 10 regular questions! What's not to love?

Dani, Julie, and Bill will take care of you, our game is totally FREE and it's just a fantastic time. We are OFF NEXT WEEK, so this is your last chance to soak up our game until the very end of July.

Game kicks off right near know how we do. Let's fire it up and head into midsummer correctly!



Hang on - we're coming!

Regular round categories for tomorrow's game at Flyers Bar & Grill - Parma Hts. on 7/16/2024 - Join us, won't you...but don't tell anyone else, the room is too packed! Take it easy on Julie and Dani!

Round 1

1.) Headquarters
2.) Fast Food Fashion (m/c)
3.) Soundtracks (audio)
4.) The Internet
5.) Actors and Roles (m/c)
6.) At the Mall (visual)
7.) State Sizes +2
8.) Inventors (m/c)
9 ) 'Twilight'
10.) Peoples

The 'Always Easier' 2nd Round™

1.) Cartoons
2.) Comedy Movies (m/c)
3.) Duets (audio)
4.) The Senses
5.) Children's Lit +2
6.) At the Mall (visual)
7.) Marvel History (m/c)
8.) Hot Dog!
9.) Texting
10.) Within +2



Mojito Night was a hit!

We had great fun under the pavilion last night! An amazing game with several game changers, a couple socials and we stayed away from the anti-socials! We even celebrated a birthday! The weather was great, the competition was fierce and we had FOUR DIFFERENT winners! That's half of the field, my friends! What more could you ask for?

Congratulations to last night's winners:
1st place: The Branes and Dudes, Duds and Babiez
2nd place: The Cougars and Smarty Pint

We appreciate your support of whatever it is that Randy and I provide...absolutely average, just barely trivia, toxic positivity and edutainment.

What our Thursday evening family should know is that we are only guaranteed 1 more week at the beautiful County Lakes pavilion. After that our performance contract is up and we currently are unaware if we will be renewed.

As that relates to y'all, if you have won CL gift certificates next week might be the last week to use them to your benefit.

Thank you all again for your support of the night, bringing your babies, future babies and toddlers to the location, chase them and still manage to play. As we say all the time, we know it takes a lot to get out of the house on a weekday evening. We don't take it lightly.

Until next week - stay curious!

We make our return to Broadview Hts tonight marking our first July game at Country Lakes Event Venue! We have enjoyed a ...

We make our return to Broadview Hts tonight marking our first July game at Country Lakes Event Venue! We have enjoyed a litany of really nice weather and tonight should follow suit. Play our unique, non-corporate brand of questions and answers in the park like setting of Country Lakes. Spacious, serene and scenic.

To add to that, today is also National Mojito Day (July 11), so CL is rolling up their sleeves and busting out the rum, mint and simple syrup. That will be tonight's specialty drink good for +2 points for every drink purchased (first round only; drinks bought through the first 10 questions). Add to what should already be ridiculously high scores.

So come and take on the creme de la creme of Thursday night trivia: The Branes, Quizzy Gillespe, All in the Family and The Cougars, get on our overall leadboard and win some Country Lakes GCs to offset a future food/drink tab!

Categories are posted below, it's a great game created 'especialmente' for our Thursday trivia family. The finals are no joke, people...choose wisely!

We fire up the trivia machine right near 7pm. Join us, won't you?

We have assembled a mind-bending game for you this evening, trivia family! It's really quite perfect, with a dazzling ar...

We have assembled a mind-bending game for you this evening, trivia family! It's really quite perfect, with a dazzling array of subject matter for you to discern (categories posted just below), with some, dare we say 'adult' lightning rounds and very challenging finals. Choose wisely and walk away with some generous gift cards.

Point values can be added for your teams purchase of Flyers Bar & Grill specialty drink (not sure if its the exact same or changing up), food specials are in effect for trivia players and we'll try to wrap up and get you out damn near as close to 9pm as possible.

Its summer fun! Elevate your Tuesday and elevate your mind. Teams of 8 or less to be prize eligible. Room can fill up so arrive early for preferred seating.

See you at 7pm!


Big fun at Flyers Bar & Grill last night. We were figuring on a low turnout due to the impending Independence Day holiday, but a whopping TEN teams came out to play our absolutely average game of questions and answers! Thank you to all that continue to support the night at Flyers.

And it appeared that the official drink of trivia night, The Brain Teaser, was a hit! By Randy's count there were 40+ sold, which means in upwards of 80+ absolutely FREE points awarded!

Congrats to our FOUR DIFFERENT winners:
First Place: Quizzy Gillespie and Mediocrity
Second Place: It's World UFO Day! Can you play some Alien Ant Farm? and Under the Bridge

**MISSED CORRECTIONS** it was brought to our attention that we may have missed on the radiation question from last night's Round 2. While dental hygienists do absorb various levels of radiation, they may not absorb MORE than some of the alternative options we supplied. Our apologies.

Have a great rest of your holiday week however you spend it. Hope it is safe and restful and we hope to welcome you back next Tuesday and Thursday for some more of our fun and hijinx!

Until then....stay curious!

Hey, hey, hey - it's the first game of July and we have exciting news to share!In addition to the constantly improving m...

Hey, hey, hey - it's the first game of July and we have exciting news to share!

In addition to the constantly improving menu options, tuesday tacos, 20% off apps for trivia players and drink specials, Flyers Bar & Grill will be offering a SIGNATURE DRINK for Tuesday night trivia!

Come on in tonight and sample a Brain Teaser! For every Brain Teaser purchased in the first round up to the conclusion of question #1, your team will enjoy PLUS TWO extra points. That's for every drink, people! Come try to drink your way to first place and have a heck of a time doing it!

Of course, the actual game aims to tease your brain as well, so don't slouch on that portion. Getting there tonight is a no-brainer. But bring your're gonna need it!

See you tonight for the most average trivia night...but best scorekeeping...of the week! Kick off your Independence Day festivities early and get in the game!

Had a great game in the park last night! Thanks to all TEN teams that joined us for a perfectly wonderful summer evening...

Had a great game in the park last night! Thanks to all TEN teams that joined us for a perfectly wonderful summer evening of out of doors trivia, frivolity, gamesmanship...and Blueberry Brainstorms (44 total by our count!)!!!!

Appreciate all our trivia teams who make the effort to get out on a weekday (many of them are pregnant in summer...oof!). We were also very happy that 2 NEW teams - Oilers Fans and SwatchWatch1984 - who dipped in to sample our absolutely average trivia and edutainment. Hope you become part of our Thursday trivia family.

Last night featured a first in our almost 7 years of doing this: BOTH of our finals (not selected by us) were anti-socials. They were thinkers, for sure. So smart wagering became vitally important.

Congrats to the smart wagerers from last night!
Firsts: The Branes, The Cougars
Seconds: Dudes, Duds and Babiez, All in the Family
- - - - - - - - -
**NOTE: Next Thursday is July 4th, so we will NOT be at Country Lakes Event Venue due to the holiday. We hope you all celebrate and enjoy your time.

We WILL be at our usual Tuesday spot next week on July 2nd if you'd like to fit in a game. Until then, have a great weekend and stay curious!

Tonight!Trivia is back in Broadview Heights at Country Lakes Event Venue! We are bringing ALLLLLLLLLL the questions, but...


Trivia is back in Broadview Heights at Country Lakes Event Venue! We are bringing ALLLLLLLLLL the questions, but we realize you might have some of your own.

Namely, what is tonight's specialty trivia-specific mixed concoction!?! It's been something different every week and this week follows suit. Country Lakes is preparing a blueberry vodka lemonade called Brainstorm Blueberry. It's sure to be delicious so come and slurp some up on this gorgeous summer evening.

Also, like last week, every specialty drink purchased garners your team +2 points (first game only)...we're that damn magnanimous! So come and drink your way to victory (if possible) and have a great, competitive time doing it.

Looking forward to seeing all the regulars and hoping to see some of the familiar faces we were used to seeing way back on Wednesday evenings, so join us won't you?

The machine fires up right near 7pm. Tonight's categories posted directly below this post. Plenty of table space. Food and drinks available. Teams of 8 or less to be prize eligible.

See you soon!


Regular round categories for tomorrow's game at Country Lakes Event Venue - Broadview Heights on 6/27/2024!

Round 1

1.) Hotels
2.) Websites (m/c)
3.) Product Mascot (visual)
4.) Movies
5.) Presidents (m/c)
6.) Animals in Songs (audio)
7.) Spirits +2
8.) Fictional Bars (m/c)
9 ) Continents
10.) The Films of Michael Bay

The 'Always Easier' 2nd Round™

1.) Comic Strips
2.) Hobbies (m/c)
3.) LEGO Movie Scenes (visual)
4.) Film Titles (m/c)
5.) State Mottos +2
6.) Days of the Week (audio)
7.) DC Comics (m/c)
8.) Walt Disney World (m/c)
9.) TV Cast Photo (visual)
10.) Within +2


Regular round categories for tomorrow's at Flyers Bar & Grill - Parma Hts on 6/25/2024. We return to our regular format!

Round 1

1.) Internet Slang
2.) Printing (m/c)
3.) One-Hit Wonders (audio)
4.) Ad Slogans
5.) Magicians (m/c)
6.) Album Cover Close-Up (visual)
7.) Common Bonds (+2)
8.) Magazine Covers
9.) Medical Tests
10.) Social Media

The 'Always Easier' Round 2

1.) Cookies
2.) The Cabinet (m/c)
3.) TV Themes (audio)
4.) License Plates
5.) History (+2)
6.) Eyes Without A Face (visual)
7.) Song Lyrics (m/c)
8.) Competitions
9.) Movie Props (visual)
10.) Medical Terms (+2)



Thank you to all who attended last night's Trivia Inferno! We had 8 teams/35 people who braved the temps to play our absolutely average game of just barely trivia. But what did we learn?

Well, we learned it's Quizzy Gillespe's world, we just live in it. Quizzy took home BOTH first round prizes and bragging rights with scores of 111 in the first round and 75 in the 2nd (edging out Cougars by just 1 point!). A well-played couple of rounds by those wiley Gillespe's!

Congrats also to our 2nd place finishers: All in the Family (101pts) and Cougars (74pts). That first round was crazy competitive.

We also learned that Electric Lemonade, tried as they might, couldn't drink themselves into first place. I bet they wish they knew what the Chinese Zodiac question was.

We also learned the best way to tell age of a woman courtesy of our celebrity Match Game panel.

Appreciate your support of the night. We are constantly looking for new, fun and innovative ways to make the game better, not corporate, but also not terribly same-sy week-to-week. Thanks Katie and Country Lakes for having us at your beautiful setting.

Until next week...stay curious!

20 years from now people will ask you, "Where were YOU during the 2024 summer heatwave ON Summer Solstice?"You can tell ...

20 years from now people will ask you, "Where were YOU during the 2024 summer heatwave ON Summer Solstice?"

You can tell them you were sitting at home in your A/C like some domesticated house cat.


You can tell them you braved what the "experts" are referring to as a heat dome in order to VANQUISH THE COMPETITION AND DRINK THE COOL WATERS FROM THE FOUNTAIN OF KNOWLEDGE!!!!!!

Choose your own adventure tonight, but Scorekeeper Randy and I would prefer you chose the latter. We'll be on hand slinging hot n' fresh questions and answers and Country Lakes pavilion will be covered and cool (-ish) with their fans circulating the air. Cool off with some cold adult beverages and enjoy our game in what is basically a park-like setting.

We've worked on this game quite a bit and moved some pieces around (see updated category listing posted yesterday) to include some things we've never presented before. You wouldn't want to miss out, would you? We fire up (prob should use dif phrasing) the trivia machine at 7pm and sunset isn't scheduled until after the conclusion of game 2. It's gonna be historic!

**NOTE: As previously messaged, we were in error. The pool will NOT be open this evening or any evening going forward (it appears). Some mixed messaging we're working to iron out.

Regular round categories for tomorrow's game at Country Lakes Event Venue - Broadview Heights on 6/20/2024!It's Summer S...

Regular round categories for tomorrow's game at Country Lakes Event Venue - Broadview Heights on 6/20/2024!

It's Summer Solstice - the longest day of the year!

Round 1

1.) Mythology
2.) Tours (m/c)
3.) What Song Am AI? (visual)
4.) History
5.) Crime Rates (m/c)
6.) Soundtracks (audio)
7.) Presidential Resting Places +2
8.) Spirits (m/c)
9 ) Board Games
10.) What's Missing?

The 'Always Easier' 2nd Round™

1.) TV Characters
2.) Fast Food (m/c)
3.) Textless LP Cover (visual)
4.) Match Game! (m/c)
5.) Homonyms +2
6.) One-Hit Wonders (audio)
7.) Video Game Consoles (m/c)
8.) 'Friends'
9.) In The Pantry (visual)
10.) Within +2

It was a HOT time in the city last night!Flyers was ON FIRE...with competition...yesterday evening. TWELVE teams and rou...

It was a HOT time in the city last night!

Flyers was ON FIRE...with competition...yesterday evening. TWELVE teams and roughly 60 - 65 people squeezed into the big room (and the bar) for our very exciting speed trivia game. 62 sexy questions in rapid-fire fashion. We appreciate all the players that came out and came from out of town!

Congrats to our winners:
1st Place - The Branes, Scooby Gang
2nd Place - Scooby Gang, Mediocrity

BIG thank you's to Julie, Dani and Bill (in the kitchen) for taking such good care of the crowd during those 2 hours. Very, very attentive service!

Until next week...stay curious!

We got a HOT one ready to serve you tonight! Yes, the weather is the weather, but this game contains some of our favorit...

We got a HOT one ready to serve you tonight! Yes, the weather is the weather, but this game contains some of our favorite recently added questions. It's gonna be fire (as the kids say)!

Get INSIDE, people! It's really just too hot for patios and all that stuff, so join us in the big room at Flyers Bar & Grill, what with their ICE COLD AIR CONDITIONING and all. It'll be like heading into a Vegas casino after walking around outside for 4 minutes.

Food specials? Check! Drink specials? Check-check! Gift Cards for first and 2nd places? Check-Check-Check!!! People, what are your expectations for a Tuesday evening afterall? This has you completely covered!

So beat the heat as well as your competition and see if you can't come out on top, get your team's name added to our leaderboard and enjoy a fun, collegial, competitive evening of non-corporate (zero questions about elemental tables) questions and answers.

Game starts at 7, but the AC will be on ALL DAY, so get there when you can get there! See you soon!


Cleveland, OH



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Match wits today!

Join the fun testing your knowledge with family, friends or even complete strangers. Match wits against other teams and see who has the biggest brain! Individuals, duos, multi-player doesn't matter who you play'll all be having fun! Great entertainment for large groups. Game format keeps them engaged for 2- to 3-rounds (each round is roughly an hour). Prizes awarded at the game’s conclusion. Perfect for bars, restaurants, corporate events, charitable causes or private parties! With more than 25 years of performance experience, host is professional and engaging. Set up is quick and convenient with a minimum of floor space needed.

Test your wits today!