Harley Davidson Went All Out!
I just wanted to thank Messer Construction for having me out. I had a great time and can't wait for next year.
#axethrowing #companyevent
First off I just wanted to thank Mr. and Mrs. Polk for having me out. The food and beverages were great and I had an amazing time. Also congratulations on Mrs. Garvin for graduating.
I wanted to thank Michelle Pate for having me out for Jamie's 50th Birthday. I hope you had a great day Jamie and RIP 🙏 all those hogs in Georgia.
#axethrowing #savethehogs
I just wanted to thank Kim Britt for putting everything togather and letting me participate. I had an amazing time and I hope Steve had an amazing 50th 😉birthday.
I wanted to thank everyone who put togather this years Christmas Show. I had a great time and can't wait for next year.
I want to thank the Church of Nazarene for letting me participated in this year's fall festival. Also a huge shoutout to all the vendors who had candy; the kids loved it.
#axethrowing #church
I wanted to thank celebration place church for having me out. I had a great time and can't wait to do it again.
The Hillarity Festival this year was awesome. I can't wait for next year!!
I want to thank Towne Tavern York for letting me join them in Summerfest this year. I had a great time and can't wait for next year.
#summerfest #SmithAndWesson
I just wanted to thank Cavendish Brewery for letting me participate in their comic con event. I had a great time and can't wait to do it again.
Bike Night!!