We have the most beautiful Sunsets;
video of the tonight's:
It was so pretty outside today, I just had to take a few pictures. The new Tiki Hut/Foot Bridge is on the left and the older entrance to the Island Bridge is on the right with the Waterfall in the middle. I just love overlooking everything!
After 17 years of stain and varnish, some of the overly exposed wood needed the protection only paint can provide. Copper is the accent color on the Island to highlight the brown woods.
Look who needs a midsummer hair cut.
2-3 long days of standing for hours on the stepladders . . . I dread it every summer but I only have to do it once yearly anyway.
Another Venue season draws to a close with the frosts of this week. The fall-flowering Morning Glories are finished with this cold.
Though I wish each phase of the season lasted longer, this decision is never left to me -->if it were, we'd have 1 month of beautiful snow and then move directly into Spring with an extended very warm Summer of about 5 months, instead of 3. :D
Now . . . a video of the waterfall from the Island.
I have spent the past two months working on the falls, concreting small rocks and filling gaps to force the water flow to go up and over rocks, instead of under or around them.
I'm also still working on the water at the large falls entrance into the channel so it creates little falls and ripples as it emptys.
It's getting there and is much much better. I'm running out of autumn and am trying to have it pretty much finished before winter sets in.
What a beautiful day! <3 I just got a MUCH improved walk-through video which includes the Waterfalls running (John couldn't believe I didn't have it running before ;) ).
artistreEscapes Island Garden Venue overview video
I took this video a few days ago when it was so beautiful outside; the sky was true blue and everything just looked extra pretty and bright. I was standing at the top of the waterfall looking across the Island. This starts from the left side as you would walk down and cross the bridge onto the lawn.
Here's the promised video of the Waterfall running;
the long falls is a loud whitenoise as it has a ton of water running over it. It's so soothing to listen to.
You can see the advantages of almost 24 years of living back here and working the grounds to create a natural woodsy setting. I love all the colors, emerging plants and flowers of Spring. This is now my reward to enjoy what I helped create in my more youthful years and to share this beauty with others who also appreciate this little spot as much as I do. <3
As I'm stuck inside all day due to the cool rain, my front yard is doing it's happy dance, drinking up moist nutrients and preparing for a beautiful season ahead. <3 I never tire of admiring my view.
Cedar Gazebo
Some of the Couples like the little Cedar Gazebo for their Ceremony; most use it as a bride's room before the Ceremony.
A couple have used it as a mini chapel area for communion and others as their unity candle area.
Photos of the various colors of Morning Glories which are just starting to open; very soon the canopy will be engulfed with them and it is so pretty this time of year. <3
First week of September Flowering Gazebo, 2016
The Flowering Gazebo last week;
you can see why it's my favortie time of the season, totally engulfed in foliage --> it has reached it's crescendo, only with more canopy Morning Glories to come before frost . . . and it has to start all over again next spring:
artistreEscapes Island Garden Venue
A new video of several of the gorgeous photos I have accumulated over the past three years of Weddings.
(This format did not allow me to credit photos without a watermark but every one is credited on my website where you can see many more amazing moments captured by all these talented photographers: