BARING GIFTS MISSION STATEMENT 1. Baring Gifts is an Event Planning/Promotion company in which is devoted to organizing positive events and gatherings within the community, specifically, we endeavor to bring accomplished alternatives to the negative ideologies of “pass time” that is plaguing our society
2. Our mission is to work alongside businesses, organizations, schools, institutions, etc. and provide the service of organizing and planning community events that will affect the mentality of the environment that encase our youth and young adults.
3. By connecting with a variety of institutions we seek to provide the opportunity to visualize, as well as actualize an unfamiliar perspective of life, namely, diverse ways of release, divine consciousness, and/or an outlet for creative expression.
Unfortunately, we live in a time where the vision of our children is being shaped by social media and is also being programed by the minds of individuals with nefarious interests, those interests being of personal gain and the destruction of values in which promotes morality, decency, and a law which extends well beyond what man has the ability to duplicate.
Baring Gifts essentially endeavor to open and broaden the scope, in addition to doing whatever is necessary to remove the blinders obscuring sight of the bigger picture; the picture of peace, the picture of prayer, the picture of trust, the picture of love, self-love, and the picture of unity in the way of modifying and uplifting ourselves to a higher standard of living, that living adhering to the term, “Each One, Reach One, Teach One.”
Respectfully Submitted With Love,
Baring Gifts LLC CEO
Dominic D. Love