Tomorrow night, I will be releasing a 7 Step Plan for changing the leadership at Alabama Farm Credit.
I want to address a few points as to why I have shared with you all the information that I have. I did so because I suspected there were other out there who had or were enduring the same things that me and my family have went through since 2021.
And I was right. The only problem is the intimidation and the retaliation against borrowers has done exactly what it was intended to do - made borrowers think twice about taking a stand against those who are ultimately responsible for this.
I wouldn’t ask others to do what I have had to do. I’ll always look over my shoulder and wonder if one of these people who I called out for their misconduct is waiting to cause me or my family harm. But that was a price I was willing to pay to be sure that those kind of people were held accountable.
I can do that through litigation. I have a federal agency finding and direct evidence that I certainly believe will prove my claims against them. But just because I hold them accountable does not mean they will change their behavior when it comes to the other borrowers, as they are protected by lawyers and insurance policies paid for by the borrowers.
That will not impact me at all, as I have zero intentions of being indebted to that institution again, so long as the leadership remains in place. But it will impact all of you who have loans with them. And I’m telling you now that anyone who sits back allowing others to suffer, and they are, will get no assistance from me when the wolf is at your door.
Every AFC borrower knows what is going on right now - and I have heard from so many of them. But still, I know there are more, with their heads ducked down hoping the wolf doesn’t see them. I’m here to tell you that they’ll eventually find you; and you need to think about whether you will be able to legally and financially maneuver your way out of it when they do.
Anyone who stands beside us now - and not just me but all of those who have messaged me and poured their hearts out at the misery they were put through - will be a part of a group who will always stand up for each other, no matter what goes down from here.
There are approximately 3,200 borrowers who hold Voting Stock in AFC. We just need 10 percent, or around 320, of you to stand up and call for change - and you can do that with us secretly, confidentiality, and without jeopardizing your farm or your family. Being a part of this, in my opinion, will be there best insurance you’ve ever secured to be sure you are treated fairly.
I have the ear of the United States Farm Credit Administration. I am not intimidated by them or by their attorneys. But I cannot change this leadership by myself; it will take all of us who believe in doing what is right to get it done.
I’ll take the heat on this from the other side. I will not sell you out. But I need the help of the current borrowers to make my voice louder than it can be alone.
We look around the world every single day and see things in shambles. This is no exception as to what is going on at Alabama Farm Credit. But maybe for the first and last time in your life, you truly have the ability to do something about it. You have the rare ability to effect change, not just for you, but for others.
In the coming days, I will tell you how that can be done. But I cannot do it for you. I’ll beat them either with you or without you - but I hope you, as a current borrower of Alabama Farm Credit, see this for what it is: A chance for you to leave a legacy in standing up for what is right and making this a lending institution built around honesty, transparency, and fairness.
For those who believe in this cause who went into it without a dog in the fight, I ask that you share this, to let those current borrowers knows that they are not alone in standing up against these people. And if you are a current borrower, pay attention to the next few days and/or contact me privately, by text, at 256-996-5822 just to let me know you are with us - I’ll reply to every message that is sent and all communications will be strictly confidential.
Thank you for following this journey - and there is much more to tell, but I hope that enough has been told thus far that you all agree that there are questions that need to be answered.
That is why federal law allows those in our situation to call a “Special Meeting” (even remotely 🧐) where secret ballots can be cast to remove the entire group of leadership and to replace them with leaders who are directly accountable to all of us. Can you imagine the message that would send across this country? The farmers and ranchers of Alabama can begin the process of standing up - and I will just about bet you that it will not stop there.