The Perfect Offensive Fighter of All Time !
I have been around this Sport as a Fighter, Trainer and Coach, and I have seen dozens of Great Champions. But their is no Fighter in the History of Boxing any Greater than Sugar Ray Robinson or Julio Cesar Chavez. Just recently we have had a slew of articles and training techniques, all surrounding the Philly Schell defense. All starting back in the day's of Henry Armstrong, later progressing to Archie Moore and George Benton. I love it, I love the input and the attention and detail that must never be forgotten that separates the the BIG DIFFERNCE, between a GREAT Champion, to what would be commonly described as a Good Champ.
What I want to focus on is what determines or makes you a Great
Champion. We could go on and on for hour's throwing out names to no end, that would be excellent choices, but are they really GREAT ? That's a Class I reserve for a very, very, select few. It's not always defined by how good or perfect your record was like Rocky Marciano and Floyd Mayweather, it may put you up there in the Top Elite and select Top 20 Fighter's of all Time, for the past 100yrs plus, but Boxing has evolved just like all Sport's over the decades. The fighter's are getting better nutrition and advantages in equipment that improves their game, but their is no substitute for what I call the most common overlooked factor, and I quote " What's more Important Heart or Skill ".
When it came to defense and Pure Boxing skills you had Ali, Holmes, Pep, Pastrano, Conn, Tunney, Mayweather, Robinson and this list goes on forever, as it would with Great punchers like Louis, Marciano, Tyson, Frazier, Foreman, Moore, Liston, but what put's you in that top rating of the Best of all Time ? Opinion ? Records ? Weight Classes ? How Many Belt's you held over your career, these all factor into the equation, but sometimes their comes to anyone's tongue the name of a Fighter who truly sets their reign apart from all the rest. Now let me tell you why I choose Julio Cesar Chavez to be placed as the top Offensive and complete all around fighters Boxing has ever seen. Was it his record ? No, was it his size No, was it the Era he fought in ? No. It was the skill sets he possessed that combined the most elusive inside fighting techniques that I ever saw. He would make you miss from all angles dead in you chest, and make you pay with your dear life every time you were not in position to be countered by his barrages. He was smart as hell, cut that ring into quarters not in half, and kept some of the best fighters that ever fought in his divisions, afraid to make a move. Roberto Duran should be right in their as well, I don't mean to ignore his Greatness. But Chavez as Angie Dundee stated in this segment. The Toughest Fighter he ever saw Ever. Chavez had it all, I couldn't have agreed with him more.
Julio Cesar Chavez is a retired Mexican professional boxer.He is a six-time world champion in three weight divisions,and for several years he was considered ...