I need a new home today. My FF (foster family) call me Twix. Uh, just curious, did anyone else pick a fight with their sister today and lose? No? Just me?
Ok. Did anyone else WANT to pick a fight with their sister today?
Ok. Now we’re getting somewhere.
See, my familial situation is a little squirrelly (I like squirrels by the way!)
I’m the only male left at the FFs house and I live with my mom and 3 sisters - all day everyday. I can’t escape them. I know some of you can relate. My family is all over me. They’re always so hard on me and I’m just trying to be the man of the family. I’m trying to show my sisters that I’m in charge, but they aren’t having it.
Now humans? I love humans. Give me humans all day long. My FF is awesome.
If you and I were to hang, I’d play fetch with you. I’d let you let me sit in your lap. I’d go for walks with you. I’d let you feed me. I dig humans (Get it? Dig? Cuz I’m a dog.)
Surely there is someone out there who can relate to needing to escape your family, to figure out who you really are. I need someone to take a chance on me and teach me how to live up to my potential.
I’m getting evicted from my current situation effective immediately. That’s for my sake and for the sake of some of my sisters that I argue with.
I maybe need a break from other animals for a bit or I need just the right big sibling who has patience to teach me that I can’t always be in charge. But I definitely need a chance. I’m only 3 months old. In the right environment (a.k.a. away from my fam), I might really thrive. Is there anyone out there who can give that to me?