4 October –
1819 – Corydon, IN. To the Trustees of the Town of Corydon,
The petition of the undersigned respectfully represents that they labor under considerable inconvenience in consequence of the ordinance of your body prohibiting persons verding articles in the Market House on Market Day before sunrise. Your petitioners see no good regulation of the sort, and believing that its abolition will be of public benefit they solicit your interference.
Signed: Jeremiah Tarlton, Joseph Kinhead, Dudley Gresham, James Kintner, Henry Bugher, R. Ligget, Henry Rice, John T. Jameson, H.W. Heth, Jesse West, Peter Kintner, James Wilson, James Stewart, J. B. Slaughter, Abs. Branham and David Byrn.
Corydon, October 4, 1819
When this petition was found by Deputy Auditor Miss Lizzie Brewster, at the time county records were transferred to the new courthouse, in 1928. She could find no record that this petition was successful, and people were left to consider that it may yet be illegal to vend articles in the Market House on Market Day before sunrise. [Griffin 2, p. 14]
(Thanks Mandy Dick for the info)