Don't forget to vote for the theme of the sand mandala that will be created during the May residency of the Tibetan Monks of Drepung Loseling Monastery.
SURVEY: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sv/XIxrtMt
The Mystical Arts of Tibet Mandala Schedule
Tuesday, April 29-Saturday, May 3
Cumberland Masonic Temple, 15 Greene Street
Opening Ceremony
Tuesday, April 29 | Noon
The monks consecrate the mandala site with traditional chants, music and mantra recitation.
Mandala Creation Daily Schedule
Tuesday, April 29 | 1-6 PM
Wednesday - Friday, April 30-May 2 | 10 AM-6 PM
Saturday, April 30-May 3 | 10-11 AM
Closing Ceremony
Saturday, May 3 | Noon
The monks dismantle the sand mandala for dispersal in a body of running water. Half of the sand is distributed to observers as blessings for personal health and healing.
All events, including three lectures about Tibetan culture and philosophy, are free and open to the public. Learn more at https://tinyurl.com/53tvk6um
This CES engagement is presented in partnership with the Allegany Arts Council.