Perhaps you have some experience with making stock or soup from scratch. You have to simmer it over a low flame for hours to reduce the liquid and intensify the flavors. Sometimes, things go wrong. Maybe you keep the flame too high or simmer it for too long and the soup ends up salty, or even dries up and scorches the pan. Or you might rush the process and end up with a broth that’s thin and weak.
But when you get this alchemical process of transformation just right, the result is delicious.
Pluto enters a new sign, Aquarius, this week (March 23, 2023, 5:23 am PDT). And whenever Pluto enters a brand-new sign – which it doesn’t very often; it debuted in Capricorn in 2008 and won’t enter Pisces until 2043 – it’s time for us to enter a new alchemical process. We’re about to be thrown into a new pot. There’s a little bit of oil in there, and the initial sear will hurt like hell. But it releases our juices and caramelizes our sugars, and by the time water is added to the pot, the process of change is well underway.
At the end of it all, we’ll have been turned into something new. We’ll have been broken down and cooked until all that’s left of us is our essence – the most delicious part.
Pluto’s first steps into Aquarius (it retrogrades back into Capricorn between June 11, 2023-Jan. 20, 2024) are only the beginning of the process. This is the pot being pulled from the cupboard; the oil is put in the pan and begins heating up. Unless you have planets in your birth chart very close to 0º Aquarius, Leo, Ta**us, or Scorpio, you may not be going in the pot right away. But for each of us, here’s a chance to think about what we’re going to bring to the soup.
Read all the week's highlights here: https://buff.ly/3FxzQze