What is Void Church? Find out at our showcase Aug. 15, where you’ll get a taste of our canonic vibe — shoegaze, goth, dreampop, psych, and beyond.
Chicago shoegaze greats combine glittering pop sensibilities with aurora-borealean sheets of fuzzy guitars, dreamy female vocals, and a driving rhythm section. Beachouse meets the Jesus and Mary Chain in Kevin Sheilds’ Siamese Dream.
Somewhere between Clairo and The Cure lies the wistful world of .days. Chicago artist Alessia Kato’s solo project is best described as danceable bedroom goth pop, and it feels like holding hands with your crush in a cemetery.
Peoria’s .sunshine are a groovy lysergic rocket on interstellar overdrive, seemingly capable of manipulating time, space, and color whilst plugged in and soaring on-stage. Early Pink Floyd talk megaliths with King Gizzard and the Wizard Lizard at the SETI Institute.
Void Church High Priestess DJ Doubleyou
( ) will spin vinyl spells from the VC repertoire between sets.
Thurs., Aug. 15 at . Doors 6/music 7. $15. Ticket link in bio.
Download the app and add Panda Riot, Ghost Days, and Nova Sunshine to your schedule. Big ups to for sponsoring!