We had a visitor last night. We don't normally hear this sound so it was surprising! Ps. There was totally a bat flying around while I was recording but I kept missing it. . .ð No, you don't hear the bat. ð
Our Kunekune/Guinea hog piglets are so stinking fun to watch. They are even tempered. Quite friendly. They are pasture pigs that love to roam and munch. They dig up a little but do not demolish the ground like large hogs. They make good bacon too.
Ranunculous season is coming to an end. I have 2-3 bouquets left!
Dancing Ranunculous flowers. Great for the dance recital you are headed too! ð
Have you ever wanted to be a ballroom dancer? I used to watch Dancing with the Stars and imagined being able to wear a fancy ball gown and dance to my hearts content. These flowers are the ballroom dancers. If you would like your very own ballroom dancer, act now! I have only four left. $12 mini vases of Ranunculous flowers. They will dance their way into your heart and brighten up whichever space needs it. Or perhaps you have a dancer in your life that needs it! ð
Farm pickup from 10-12. Delivery available to New Lebanon area.
I am finishing the morning cup of Joe and headed out to pull Tulips. Who wants some?? ð Drive through tulip pick up available from 11-2! Message me to claim a Mason jar bouquet.
Relax a moment with me. Follow for more nature and flower farm updates!
Ah, yes! But first, the farmer must wade through the mud and plant them! All jokes aside, I hope it dries out a little before May because I have so much to do before the flowers even get into the ground, and ankle deep mud makes things very difficult.
Sometimes, we have to be frugal. Which means using what we have and getting creative. We need to keep the Ranunculouses babies covered and this does it job. The wind is keeping us busy.
First your soak them, then you pre-sprout them for a couple weeks to see if they grow. After that you put them in the ground and put a frost cover on them and hope the cold/frost/wind doesn't get to them. But the reward will be worth it!
Haven't worn this jacket in a few days.. found a surprise in the pocket. Definitely surprised they were still whole!