IBM Ring 6 / Delaware Valley Conjurors Club

IBM Ring 6 / Delaware Valley Conjurors Club We're part of the world's largest organization for the magical arts. The Delaware Valley Conjurers Club

We invite you to join us every second Monday of the month for lectures, learning and much more.


Yes, folks…
It’s that time…time to sell the stuff you no longer want or use so you have enough money to buy the stuff I no longer want or use.


We’ll be doing our auction this coming Monday night, October 11, and would urge you to attend. There will be some incredible bargains to be had, for sure. And it doesn't matter whether or not you're a Ring 6 member...we'll be glad to have you join us.

If you’re interested in selling anything, here are some key points:

We’ll be arriving at Wallingford’s Community Arts Center (our new meeting place) at 6pm, giving you plenty of time to set up your stuff. The auction will go from 7-9pm, after a VERY brief business meeting at which we’ll move to approve a revised set of By-Laws for the Ring.

Our auction meeting will conclude promptly at 9pm, so we’ll be asking you to bring no more than two lots of whatever you’re trying to sell. A “lot” may consist of one item, or multiple items sold at one time. We anticipate there will be a lot of stuff that’s up for sale, and want to make sure we get to everyone.

We'll have forms for you to use to list what you’re seeking to sell, and will ask you to fill out stuff in the dreaded triplicate. One will go to the auctioneer, one will go to the treasurer (whose job it is to make sure you’re getting paid) and the third is for you.

Bring small bills, please; it’ll make it easier for everyone. We're looking forward to having you join us!

Dick Gustafson has spent a lifetime in magic, traveling around the world and delighting millions of people.  Last night ...

Dick Gustafson has spent a lifetime in magic, traveling around the world and delighting millions of people. Last night as our guest at IBM Ring 6, he delighted us with some of his stories.

Thanks, Dick.

Members of IBM Ring 6 will be staging a show at the end of August in West Chester.  It'll be the second time we've done ...

Members of IBM Ring 6 will be staging a show at the end of August in West Chester. It'll be the second time we've done this...last year's was cancelled, for obvious reasons. We'll have some of our members performing world-class magic.

We'd be delighted to have you and your family members join us. Here's the link, if you would like to buy tickets in advance:

Uptown! presents It’s Magic 2 Saturday, August 28, 2021 7:00pm Uptown! Knauer Performing Arts Center is excited to have the International Brotherhood of Magicians (IBM) – Ring 6 return with a completely new show! All of the performers are award-winning members of numerous international magic org...

We’re heading into a great period, and we’re going to kick it off next Monday night (the 12th) with Mike Hummer joining ...

We’re heading into a great period, and we’re going to kick it off next Monday night (the 12th) with Mike Hummer joining us by Zoom.

Mike’s one of the best “demo” guys out there, having honed his craft behind the counter at Al’s Magic Shop in Washington for 17 years. He has performed at the White House Easter Egg Roll and numerous embassies. He has also performed his magic shows in the business community for clients such as Continental Airlines, USPS, Booz Allen, and Bloomingdales. Mike is a member of the Society of American Magicians, Magicians’ Alliance of Eastern States, and served as a regional representative for the International Brotherhood of Magicians for two years.

If you go to Mike’s site, he says, “That’s my only rule for what I sell....It has to be good. I demonstrate everything I sell. It’s all practical, audience tested magic. No duds here...That’s my guarantee.” We think you’re going to enjoy his time with us.

Now, don’t forget…next month, we’ll be back meeting in person, starting with a dinner at the Springfield Diner. No speakers, or anything like that…just a great chance to reconnect with friends we haven’t seen in person for more than a year. If you haven’t confirmed that you’ll be there, please reach out to me…we have more than 15 Ring members already signed up…and anticipate more to come. It’s going to be a great night.

And…Mike Kaminskas is on tap for September when we’ll be meeting at our new home at Wallingford’s Community Arts Center. If you haven’t seen the place yet…check it out:

One final thing…MAES is in early September in Cherry Hill. This year’s lineup is incredible, and…given that we really haven’t had any conventions of which to speak because of the pandemic…Iit's going to be a gangbuster time for everyone who is there. If you haven’t signed up yet, do it now before the price goes up; it’s $120 for the entire convention, which is a steal. You can sign up at

If you're not a member, why not? There's never been a better time to join us. If you'd like more information, contact us at [email protected].


Jim Kleefeld will be our special guest on June 14th...he'll be telling us about kids' magic, mentalism, and how to construct themed magic for virtually any occasion. IBM Ring 6 members get in free...if you're not a member, why not?

Please join us, and send a message to [email protected] for more information.

Folks, Mike Powers will be lecturing for us in a week.  He has several books to his credit, including “Power Plays” and ...

Mike Powers will be lecturing for us in a week. He has several books to his credit, including “Power Plays” and “Tesseract.”
He’s been the Guest of Honor at the 4F convention, as well as regularly runs the “Teach-a-Trick” session there. He also runs the monthly “Card Corner” column in the Linking Ring magazine.

Beyond that, he’s a good friend, and I’m thrilled that he’ll be joining us. He's shot a promo video, which you can view at:

If you’re a Ring #6 member, the lecture is free as part of your yearly dues. Folks who aren’t will be asked to contribute $5 to help us cover the cost. If you know anyone who’d be interested in attending Mike’s lecture, have them contact me at [email protected], and I’ll get them the PayPal information.

I hope you’ll join us on May 10th.

This is "Ring 6 Promo.mp4" by Mike Powers on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

I hope you’ll be able to join us for our regular monthly Zoom meeting a week from tonight, with Sara Crosson as our gues...

I hope you’ll be able to join us for our regular monthly Zoom meeting a week from tonight, with Sara Crosson as our guest.

Sara Crasson is a magician, a lawyer, the official Resourceress of the Society of American Magicians, and the author of the book, “Own Your Magic: A Magician’s Guide to Protecting Your Intellectual Property.” "A vibrant personality" who is "as passionate about her subject as she is about the performance of magic" (Vanish Magazine), her lecture was the "surprise hit" of the last Genii Convention (MUM). The New York Law Journal has recognized her as "the leading authority on how Intellectual Property law applies to magic.” She has also presented at SAM National Conventions and the Magician's Alliance of Eastern States, as well as for local magic groups.

On April 12, Sara will join us for a lecture on what you can do to protect your magic from imitators, and how to use ethics to support and encourage the teachers and inventors of the magic community.

Not only can it be devastating to see your creative work ripped off by someone else, your intellectual property can be a valuable part of a magician's business. If you make your living from magic, you should consider what you can do to stop others from copying your creations. Sara will explain what elements of a magician’s work can be protected, how US intellectual property law works, and how it applies to magic. She will tell stories about famous magicians who have used US intellectual property laws to try to stop others from ripping off their creations and explain what has worked, what has failed, and why. She'll also discuss how you can apply ethical decision making to encourage other magicians to create and teach more magic you can learn.

If you're a member of Ring #6, you've already gotten the link to our Zoom meeting. If you're not a member, why not? We'd be delighted to have you join us.

For years, Pont has been an integral part of our Ring.  And while this news saddens us, we are gladdened by the friendsh...

For years, Pont has been an integral part of our Ring. And while this news saddens us, we are gladdened by the friendship and joy that he has brought to us and shared with us over time.


This coming Monday, let's try something different: no lecture...just a bunch of folks hanging out and showing each other the magic effects they've been working on. What's your "go-to" effect? Your opener? Your closer?

Let's share ideas. Looking forward to seeing you this coming Monday night, starting at 7pm. If you'd like the Zoom link, please send an email to [email protected].

What a great way to start off 2021!  We'll be joined by the husband and wife mentalism team of Christian and Katalina.  ...

What a great way to start off 2021! We'll be joined by the husband and wife mentalism team of Christian and Katalina. They've entertained around the world, and their act is incredible.

Christian and Katalina live in Indianapolis, Indiana. They met while serving in the United States Army at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. For the past twenty years they have traveled the world performing their show, “The Mind Tripping Show.”

They have performed on Cruise Ships, Performing Arts Centers, Colleges, and Corporate Events all over the world. Audiences in Argentina to Italy, Germany, Iraq, Greenland, and Guam have all enjoyed Christian & Katalina’s humor and magic.

They love to travel and explore new places. Katalina enjoys meeting new people and learning new things; Christian enjoys the food. For the last ten years, they’ve been performing their show at the Hilton Hotel located in downtown Indianapolis. When they’re not there, they’re performing in some exotic location or Christian is taking a nap.

They'll be talking about what makes their act so seamless (and funny), and may even tip a thing or two.

Also, there's never been a better time to join IBM Ring #6 as a member; local dues have been slashed to $15 for the entire year!

So please join us Monday night, January 11, at 7pm ET. Like other meetings, we'll be doing this via Zoom; if you're not already a member (and why not?), shoot us an email at [email protected] for the link!

Our December meeting will be a glorious amalgam of speakers.. We’ll be starting off with Keith Fields and Lady Sarah fro...

Our December meeting will be a glorious amalgam of speakers.. We’ll be starting off with Keith Fields and Lady Sarah from Detroit. They’ll be followed by Sameer Dyananeshwar, an Indian magician who’s promising to teach us a bit of mentalism we can use (thanks to Ring member Harry Mirra for connecting us). Finally, Conrad Colon will give us a mini lecture about virtual magic; ways to improve your setup, as well as several routines that can be performed virtually.

All of this will be available starting Monday, December 14th at 7pm Eastern. If you're a member, you've already received the Zoom link in an email. If not, please feel free to email [email protected].

Oh, and it gets better. We’ve got great speakers lined up for the first quarter of 2021.
• Christian and Katalina will be joining us in January for a discussion of mentalism
• Howard Hamburg is on tap in February, with stories of Vernon, Miller, and many others
• Glenn Morphew is tentatively confirmed for March; he’s been on P&T Fool Us, and has definitive work on the one-handed top palm

I thank you for reading this far, and look forward to having you join us next Monday night. (Tell a friend!)

Shreeyash Palshikar will be speaking at our meeting Monday night...but if you want to catch him in action before then......

Shreeyash Palshikar will be speaking at our meeting Monday night...but if you want to catch him in action before then...try tomorrow evening!

This month, we're fortunate to have Shreeyash Palshikar join us.  He's a second-generation Indian American performer and...

This month, we're fortunate to have Shreeyash Palshikar join us. He's a second-generation Indian American performer and scholar who combines Indian and Western magic and storytelling into a unique fusion style show, and is currently a Fulbright Nehru senior research scholar working on Indian magic.

He'll be speaking on the evolution of Indian magic, and its migration into the US. He'll also show us a thing or two along the way.

You won't get this kind of insight or experience anywhere else, so I hope you'll join us this coming Monday night, November 9th, at 7pm Eastern time. If you're a Ring 6 member, you've already received the Zoom link. If you're not, send an email to [email protected], and we'll get you in.

Oh yeah...if you're not a member, why not? We hope you'll join us.

Great turnout last night for our discussion of online magic; experts from around the country joined us, contributing to ...

Great turnout last night for our discussion of online magic; experts from around the country joined us, contributing to the discussion. Thanks to Ben Train, Marc DeSouza, John Born, Michael Chaut, Howard Hamburg, Drew Cardella and everyone who took the time to chime in!

This is the kind of meeting we love having every month. If you're not an IBM Ring #6 member, why not? Come join us!


Jeff Carson, celebrating his 50th year in magic, will be lecturing via Zoom at the October 15th, S.A.M. 4 meeting. His Lecture is called "No Notes Needed!"

Jeff will teach magic from many genres with the following theme: Great magic with almost no moves so you won't need notes to remember. Lecture begins at 7:30. IBM Ring #6 members are invited to join at no charge, as part of our alliance with Assembly #4.

Topic: SAM Assembly 4 monthly meeting
Time: Oct 15, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, confer...

This Monday night, we'll be joined (virtually) by Canada's Ben Train and Philly's own Marc DeSouza.  Both men have recen...

This Monday night, we'll be joined (virtually) by Canada's Ben Train and Philly's own Marc DeSouza. Both men have recently produced online magic conventions.

They'll be talking about the present and future of online magic: what works? what doesn't? and why? Along the way, they may show us an effect or two.

If you're a Ring 6 member, you already have access to our online meeting, via Zoom. If you're not, and would like to join us, send an email to [email protected]. We start at 7pm ET, and we look forward to having you join us!

Our buddy Mike Rose in Baltimore has a new book out about Phil Thomas, "Maryland's Ambassador of Magic," who ran the Yog...

Our buddy Mike Rose in Baltimore has a new book out about Phil Thomas, "Maryland's Ambassador of Magic," who ran the Yogi Magic Mart for years. He was friends with Hen Fetsch and Milbourne Christopher, and it can be suggested that he played a mentoring role in Denny Haney's development.

It's a good read, an easy read and you'll learn a lot about one of the seminal figures in the mid-Atlantic magic community.

You can find out more at

Peruse the site and find some antique magic treasure.


356 Summit Road, Springfield Township
De County, PA


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