Shells Select Portraits

Shells Select Portraits Local Photographer: Weddings, Seniors, Family, Children. Card reader has arrived: accepting Credit and Debit cards also have Venmo

I have been taking pictures since 2004. I graduated from Northwest State Community College in 2008 with my Associates of Business in Visual Communication. Continued my education at Defiance College and obtained my Bachelors of Art in Graphic Design in 2011. I decided that two degrees was not enough and returned to Northwest State Community College and received an Associates of Business in Website Administration May of 2014.

I thought when I entered this contest it was suppose to be a legit photo contest of a nature photo and good quality pict...

I thought when I entered this contest it was suppose to be a legit photo contest of a nature photo and good quality picture as well. I have seen a few pictures that do not fit this category or a good quality photo. I guess just keep voting and I will see where I end up so far I am in 7th. I need to be in the top 4 to advance to the final round. It shows double votes for today as well. Vote for this photo in the America’s Favorite Photos competition:

America’s Favorite Photos: Discover your new favorite photos!

Okay today starts the 4th round for my photo and today is double votes. Please vote and share so I can advance to the ne...

Okay today starts the 4th round for my photo and today is double votes. Please vote and share so I can advance to the next round which will be the final round. Currently in 5th would love to work my way up. This round only takes the top 4. VOTING FOR GROUP WINNERS ENDS
Vote for this photo in the America’s Favorite Photos competition:

America’s Favorite Photos: Discover your new favorite photos!

Last day to vote for this round. I hope I am not annoying anyone with my consent posts. If I advance to the next round i...

Last day to vote for this round. I hope I am not annoying anyone with my consent posts. If I advance to the next round it might get way annoying lol. Just 2 rounds left after this one. Let's keep me advancing.Share on your page.....
I am now currently 6th. Share on your page for all your friends to vote. Please help me stay in the top 20 to advance to round 4. Voting ends today(Its my 50th birthday,would make a great present to advance)
10 PM EASTERN / 7 PM PACIFIC!!! Can vote once a day....Vote for this photo in the America’s Favorite Photos competition:

America’s Favorite Photos: Discover your new favorite photos!

I know, I know, I post everyday but then I hear "you didnt remind me to vote",so I am doing this for all those that need...

I know, I know, I post everyday but then I hear "you didnt remind me to vote",so I am doing this for all those that need a reminder. I am now currently 7th. Share on your page for all your friends to vote. Please help me stay in the top 20 to advance to round 4. Voting ends JUNE 22ND(My 50th birthday,would make a great present to advance)
10 PM EASTERN / 7 PM PACIFIC!!! Can vote once a day....Vote for this photo in the America’s Favorite Photos competition:

America’s Favorite Photos: Discover your new favorite photos!

Please help me stay in the top 20 to advance to round 4. Voting ends JUNE 22ND(My 50th birthday,would make a great prese...

Please help me stay in the top 20 to advance to round 4. Voting ends JUNE 22ND(My 50th birthday,would make a great present to advance)
10 PM EASTERN / 7 PM PACIFIC!!! Can vote once a day....Vote for this photo in the America’s Favorite Photos competition:

America’s Favorite Photos: Discover your new favorite photos!

Made it to round 3. Thank you all for voting. Remember it is 5 rounds. Today starts round 3 and when you vote today it i...

Made it to round 3. Thank you all for voting. Remember it is 5 rounds. Today starts round 3 and when you vote today it is worth double the votes. Please help me stay in the top 20 to advance to round 4. Voting ends JUNE 22ND(My 50th birthday,would make a great present to advance)
10 PM EASTERN / 7 PM PACIFIC!!! Can vote once a day....Vote for this photo in the America’s Favorite Photos competition:

America’s Favorite Photos: Discover your new favorite photos!


Made it to the second round. VOTING FOR GROUP WINNERS ENDS
10 PM EASTERN / 7 PM PACIFIC. Could you vote for me. This is the second round out of 5. Need to be in the top 20 to advance. I am currently 2nd.Vote for this photo in the America’s Favorite Photos competition:

Today is the last day to vote for my photo I am currently in 3rd. I know they take the top 20 this round,but I would lik...

Today is the last day to vote for my photo I am currently in 3rd. I know they take the top 20 this round,but I would like to move back up. So vote when you get a chance. Vote for this photo in the America’s Favorite Photos competition:

America’s Favorite Photos: Discover your new favorite photos!

Dont forget to vote. Can vote once a day. Voting ends 14th at 10 pm eastern time. I am currently 2nd. Thia round takes t...

Dont forget to vote. Can vote once a day. Voting ends 14th at 10 pm eastern time. I am currently 2nd. Thia round takes the top 20 and assume the next will be top 15 and then 10 and then 5. Vote for this photo in the America’s Favorite Photos competition:

America’s Favorite Photos: Discover your new favorite photos!

Please vote for my photo It's a Crabs Life....Vote for this photo in the America’s Favorite Photos competition:

Please vote for my photo It's a Crabs Life....Vote for this photo in the America’s Favorite Photos competition:

America’s Favorite Photos: Discover your new favorite photos!


Really need to add more albums. I do have more photos just been busy with my full time job.

This family was fun to photograph. The kids are so ornery and adorable.

This family was fun to photograph. The kids are so ornery and adorable.

My nephew and his family.

My nephew and his family.


14933 County Road 163
Defiance, OH


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