All I can say right now is God is good!! My baby is awake and telling us all about it!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 so we went got us a room last night while he has a sitter sitting with him and our Aimie, Westin and Whitt came in to visit so we got up this morning got up to hospital they were giving him a bath so we had to wait alil longer till we could walk in I was a nervous wreck so scared to what I was going to walk into since his nights have been alil rough and wasn’t expecting to walk in and see him WIDE awake and when he seen Westin and Whitt he got the biggest smile on his face and started laughing and waving mumbling to the nurses that’s his best friends which they had no idea what he was saying but we could sure tell!! We all started bawling with so much excitement it just blew my mind!! Yesterday he was still so out of it couldn’t really get him to do much on demand and go in today it’s like a totally different kid!! Y’all I swear all I can say is God is so so good I can’t stop smiling I’m so excited my baby knew us, he’s awake whoop whoop!! I can’t thank you all enough for all the prayers and everything you all have done for my Lathan it means the world to this momma and I’m on top of the world right now!! All praise def goes to our amazing God!!!