This restorative organic cleanse is designed to reset and restore your body! Around 70% of your energy is spent on digesting your food every day. When we drink fresh juice from raw whole fruits and veggies rather than eating them, it gives your digestive system a break and will allow your body to easily absorb the flood of nutrients you are taking in. This break gives your body the time to focus on healing itself and flushing out stubborn toxins and waste. In addition to helping your body rest & reset, a few other benefits you may experience from this cleanse include: better sleep, mood balance, mental clarity, increased energy and curbing of sugar and carb cravings.
Included in this cleanse are four organic cold-pressed juices, a turmeric kombucha, an immunity boost ginger shot, and a cashew mylk!
Each juice will provide your body with multiple vitamins, nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants. The benefits are numerous!
What’s included:
Ginger Citrus Immunity shot - ginger root, orange, pineapple, lemon
Immunity and inflammation benefits, high in Vit C
Green Vitality- spinach, romaine, celery, cucumber, lemon, parsley, sea salt
Detoxifying, aids in weight loss, improves digestion. High in iron & folate.
Citrus Sunshine - carrot, orange, apple, ginger root, pineapple, turmeric root.
Rich in vitamin C and boosts the immune system. Contains Beta carotene for healthy skin and eye health. Protects cells from damage. High in antioxidants, and may slow cognitive decline. Helps fight cancer-causing free radicals.
Aronia Berry Blend- aronia berries, apple, ginger root, cinnamon
Combats free radicals, protecting cells from damage. Very high in antioxidants, flavonoids, and multiple vitamins; perfect for keeping immine system strong. Cinnamon helps manage blood sugar.
Garden’s Green -kale, spinach, cucumber, ginger root, mint, lemon
Packed full of vitamins, prevents cellular damage, high in vitamin A,B,C,E and K, as well as calcium, iron, and zinc. Helps reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol.
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