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'Make Miracles & Millions Now'  by Lorraine Blum an author that did it!

'Make Miracles & Millions Now' by Lorraine Blum an author that did it!


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Happy July to everyone! Have a great month.



I love the word en­chant­ment, I re­ally do. I of­ten find my­self stat­ing “It was en­chant­ing.” af­ter ex­pe­ri­enc­ing a mov­ing event, or see­ing a mir­a­cle. “I was in an en­vi­ron­ment that was en­chant­ing” or, “He was sim­ply en­chant­ing.” I wrote sev­eral fan­tasy and sto­ries, some with en­chant­ment and mys­tery. Jol­ly’s Sa­cred Songs is about a bird that comes down from heaven to watch over an an­gel that fell from grace and was changed into a hu­man, an­other, Outer Room, is a mys­tery about a schiz­o­phrenic woman who be­lieves she can en­ter a minia­ture en­chant­ing Utopian world. Be­fore I do any­thing, write, coun­sel, or per­form a wed­ding, I al­ways say a prayer.
I be­lieve I am al­ways in an en­chant­ing en­vi­ron­ment when I am in com­mu­ni­ca­tion with God. There is noth­ing that I can com­pare, to the sa­cred times I en­joy, when con­nect­ing with my higher power.
There was a time in my life, shortly af­ter giv­ing birth to my son that I suf­fered a heart at­tack and had to be rushed to the hos­pi­tal. I will go into more depth in my col­umn, ‘Spir­i­tual Alche­my’ at a later time about it, but for now briefly, dur­ing that time I had a near death ex­pe­ri­ence. To say the ex­pe­ri­ence was pure en­chant­ment would be putting it mildly, but does, in part, de­scribe what I felt.
Life it­self is, at times, en­chant­ing, Pick­ing up a kit­ten or puppy, in the mist of prayer and wor­ship, cud­dling a baby, win­ning an award for brav­ery, and in the pres­ence of kind­ness, are just a few ex­am­ples of en­chant­ment to me. In fact I be­lieve I live an en­chant­ing life and al­ways have.
Why would I do it any other way? I would rather be happy and in­ter­ested then sad and bored.
I of­ten ex­plain my way of think­ing, to the dis­may of my friends, as “I am from the ce­les­tial world not the mun­dane.”
When de­scrib­ing a re­cent event, ac­tion or idea that may have con­fused them this is al­ways my an­swer.
The seem­ingly never end­ing en­ergy they see and ask me about comes from, I ex­plain, my source of faith, light and be­ing. One much less en­er­getic friend states she can only plan one event a day. If she is go­ing to the doc­tor, she says, she can­not go danc­ing that night. I love to plan as many events in one day that I can pos­si­bly fit in and it is al­ways amaz­ing to her. Some of my younger friends, though she too is one of them, plan two events in a day, some­times three, rarely four, but there was only two peo­ple I met that seemed to be just as full of en­ergy and one was a Street Prophet, a man I was dat­ing, the other was a dear friend and men­tor, a Rabbi from a school was at­tend­ing. The Rabbi was 98 when he left this world for the other and still very ac­tive run­ning his tem­ple with ser­vices, trav­el­ing to the Is­lands to give lec­tures at the Yoga Re­treat in Par­adise Is­land, liv­ing half the year in Florida, the other in New York while men­tor­ing all of us stu­dents on a reg­u­lar ba­sis. All this while en­ter­tain­ing a wife of over thirty years, forty years younger and vis­it­ing friends of­ten.
Per­haps the en­ergy re­ally does come from above, so to speak. Is it not the di­rec­tion we chose that guides us?
The choices we make lead us to where we land. It is the same as the way we per­ceive. One could per­ceive a se­ri­ous learn­ing event or ex­pe­ri­ence as en­chant­ment, an­other could per­ceive the very same thing as a ter­ri­ble mis­take.
So where do you stand on En­chant­ment, how many times in your life have you found your­self in the very mid­dle of an ex­cit­ing en­chant­ing en­vi­ron­ment? Can you per­ceive such an event in your every­day world? There are var­i­ous types of per­son­al­i­ties on this planet, thank God for that, and all have their own ideas and ways. All per­ceive as they per­ceive, some are happy most of the time and grew up that way, some are sad and have al­ways lived in a de­press­ing state of mind with con­stant wor­ries. Then there are those in be­tween. We are, most of us, born with dif­fer­ent views and ways of see­ing our world. I agree it is not al­ways easy, there are times we are blinded by our prob­lems. Some of us have every­day chal­lenges. it is not easy to look up all the time. How­ever, what choices do we have to not look up as much as pos­si­ble? I choose en­chant­ment rather than dis­may. I see every mis­take as a les­son and though I wish I could say I have no re­grets, there are a few I can­not es­cape, how­ever I work on them of­ten.
We are but mere hu­mans try­ing to get where we hope to be, shar­ing our ideas and dreams with those around us and en­joy­ing those mo­ments when we can hon­estly state we are con­nected and in the space of true en­chant­ment.


Delray Beach, FL


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