So excited to announce the winners of Fleur-de-Farber Florist Thanksgiving centerpiece give away today. Thank you to Paula Uggen Smith for nominating Mrs. Margie Smith, Tracey Stevens Milling and Cindy Frazier Milling for nominating Mrs. Ola Milling, Terri Camp Hines for nominating Mrs. Beth, Gina Roberts Crotwell for nominating Mrs. Joan and lastly coming in with the most nominations is Cheryl Lovett that was nominated by Roni Carl Joe Juneau, Jo Ann Garrison, Mindy Harris Butler, Watson Farber and Carson Farber. We are so proud to be able to deliver these 5 ladies a beautiful centerpiece today to their doors. Be on the lookout for the sunflower van headed their way this morning!! Thank you to all that participated, our contest has grown just as our business and we give God all the glory and praise! Happy Thanksgiving to all our customers that are actually more like family to us!!