Located at 700 14th St. Denver Colorado 80202 Opened in 1990, with more than 100 professional meeting planners working together with architects to design every aspect of the building, the result was simple; a sensible, state-of-the-art facility with easy traffic flow and everything you need in a stunningly beautiful building in the heart of downtown Denver. Expanded in 2005, well-known as one of t
he most practical and “user friendly” meeting facilities, the Colorado Convention Center is now home to over 250 events annually. The Colorado Convention Center is located within easy walking distance of over 8,700 hotel rooms, 300 restaurants, 9 theatres of the Denver Performing Arts Complex and a wide variety of shopping and retail outlets. NOTE: This page is for the promotion of events and activities related to the Convention and Tourism industry in Denver. This is not intended to be a community bulletin board or a suggestion box and as such we reserve the right to monitor and delete posts that are not in line with our organizational goals for this page. Please send any comments, suggestions, etc to: [email protected].