Bringing in the new Year #2018
Not everybody in the world will be good for you. You are who you surround yourself with.
You have the power to affect millions of people's lives but in the time that you are given, choose your circle wisely.
Respect that your days are limited.
People do have just as much power to affect you as you do them.
The power that you choose to give them.
So live your life accordingly.
The people you choose to spend the most of your time around will inevitably be a part of what sculpts who and what you become.
While you're out in the world meeting millions of people modify your inner circle constantly.
Leave nobody safe from you reviewing their character and what they bring to the table for your life.
Keeping them around or not is your own decision.. not there's!
As you live your life and grow let everybody, family, friend or Fo know that you are your own person.
You are you
And at the end of the day and at the end of life all you have now and what you can have or could of had is all inside you.
Choose your path.
Don't let others choose it for you.
Nobody is safe from getting cut out of your life if they are not a positive energy towards your future.
It's easy to make good friends and keep their positive energy around.
Stand your own ground for yourself though. Someone who was once good for you may not be now.
You will meet millions of people on your journey.
Know that It's just as easy to cut the negative energy out of your life.
The decisions you make is what makes up the substance of your life.
Go be you.
Go live your life.
After you die no one will have done it for you.
Your heart and the time is ticking.
Second for second.
Minute by minute.
Beat by beat.
make your decisions in that very moment to go get what you want.