They’ll be a bit wild and whimsical, which suits me just fine.
Wild Whimsy Mother’s Day Bouquets available for Saturday pickup at the farm porch stand. Open 8 am-12pm
I will also have sweet pea bunches and Pansy posies.
#mothersdayflowers #localflowers #dixonmayfair #joyinflowerform
Shirley Poppies are so special!
#localflowers #joyinflowerform #suburbanflowerfarm
California Poppy ‘Champagne’
I don’t think I’ll ever go a year again without this beauty! She’s pure butter yellow perfection!
#eschscholzia #localblooms #butteryelle #yellowwedding #bayareaflorist #sacramentoweddings
This variety is proving to be dainty and delicate, but I love the yellow with the violet hues. It’s a lovely little stunner!
#pansyappreciationsociety #pansygrower #suburbanflowerfarm #localflowers
Some of the weirdos in my sweet pea patch.
They say sweet peas are obligate self-pollinators, but I’m seeing a lot of unique blooms in my patch that aren’t true to type. My theories: pollinators (we have a few honeybee hives in our yard and I’m seeing a LOT of bumblebees and larger bees all over the sweet peas).
To manage this, I’m going to choose or two plants from each bed that are true to type and bagging the blooms to keep pollinators out and keep varieties true. Lots of work!!!
Shirley Poppy ‘Amazing Grey’ and ‘Cold Steel’ Sweet Pea
First blooms popped this past week. They’re the first signs of late Spring.
#shirleypoppies #sweetpeas #greyflowers #localflowers #bayareaflorist #sacramentoflorist #suburbanflowerfarm
Daffodil ‘Zinzi’ has been a showstopper this season. I love her split corona that is a kaleidoscope of peachy pink, fading to cream tinged with apricot. She’s dreamy.
#fancydaffs #narcissus #peachflowers #springflowers #suburbanfarm
The flowers don’t compare themselves to some arbitrary standard of their peers (or internet influencers). They grow, focused solely on being the best self they can be in regards to what they have been given. And when we focus on what we aren’t, we rob ourselves of the opportunity to become who we could be.
#deepthoughtswiththeflowers #lessonsfromthegarden #joyinflowerform #suburbanfarm
Guys pansies are my new favorite over here. I have a few of these blues (can’t remember the name- I’ll add it later) that are finally long enough and I can’t. Get. Enough!
Are you team Pansy?
And nothing is more beautifully moody than these gorgeous ‘Wyndham’ tulips from @alcott_botanicals and Romance ‘Perigord’
Isn’t it the greatest pairing? Also, these were cut about a week ago. These just last FOREVER!
Wraps are out on the porch!
Guys we are loaded and the farm porch stand will be piping tomorrow! $20 bunches and wraps! Message me for the address.
#dixonflowers #joyinflowerform #localflowers #farmstand #vacavilleflowers