It’s been a long hiatus but I am slowly settling into the new year. Despite being inactive on facebook during the Winter season, I have been working on Rocky and reaching out in an effort to attend local shows and conventions, news on that front to follow. If you have reached out to us in messenger, I will be slowly catching up with those messages as well! Thank you for reaching out and know I am doing my best to juggle quite a few curveballs along side getting back to anyone who has messaged, your patience is amazing and appreciated.
Unfortunately we haven’t been successful in getting a spot at Missouri Comic Con this year so Rocky will not be attending. We simply haven’t received any word back and now that February is upon us, I sadly have to announce Rocky will not be in attendance for the 2025 con.
We will be attending Hope-Con again this year, more details to follow as the date nears!
We also have a tentative appearance scheduled in Lincoln, NE, this June along side Yertle, the screen used Gremlin from Supernatural (Charlie’s car)!
With the closing of Family Business Brewery in Dripping Springs, TX, our annual Impala meetup is looking for a new location and hopeful to have a site and date setup in late April/early May. As this develops, any updates will be posted here.
Thanks always for staying tuned into Rocky’s page, we hope to get a chance to meet all of you this year as the ice thaws and we are able to get back on the road. Rocky is still tucked safely away for the Winter but ready for a warm day and good wash!
Happy hunting.