I can’t believe the time has come for you to leave😩😩. Vic Damonè Jr. has had 5 great years working his way up to a Soux chef for LSU athletics. Yes he has fed some of the greats that are top athletes in the NFL currently. He has never given up or made me a promise that he couldn’t keep and continued to grind hard to create a better life for his family. Well Chef Kimbo was presented the opportunity to apply as an executive chef for Baylor Athletics around the same time I was in Omaha. The hell he put me through to make sure that resume was perfect SECONDS before my flight boarded to go back home. Fast forward couple of weeks later he got the job and so our journey begins at Waco,Tx.
So please help me congratulate my husband, wish him luck, and traveling graces as he heads off to make his mark at Baylor University
Ps There is no SUCCESS without SACRIFICE. Accepting GOD’S will over your life will bring you further than you ever imagined! All glory to God!