OUR ADDRESS IS 2706 Ranch rd Dover road FL 33527 .....closest intersection is Durant rd and Dover rd .
IMPORTANT INFO FOR GPS - please make sure it is taking you to ranch rd near Durant and Dover rd . If it takes you to starlite mhp , type in Valrico for the city not Dover . Most gps systems don’t get it right , this is due to the fact that when we bought the place 30 years ago , it was still Dover , now it’s turned into Valrico lol but we still have the same address and some how the county has allowed for a trailer park to have the same address as us and the newer gps systems consider this Valrico ! Sorry for the details but it’s hard to type and explain to everyone 🤪🤪 also please watch for our turtles who have burrows near by and sometimes get caught in the drive way ! Just shoo them to the side and leave them be if you come across one , please don’t run them over they are gopher turtles .
The event will be open to public APRIL 5th At 8:30 am till 4 pm and same hours on SATURDAY THE 6th . However the bbq will not be open until around 10am , but open till 4:30/5 pm both days . Thanks
Also , PLEASE make sure to look for exit signs when you leave the parking , it is.NOT. The same way you came in ! It is a one way in , other way out type of deal ! This is bc our drive and road is very skinny and do not fit more than one vehicle lol , handicap parking is on the closest fence towards the house next to walk way ..
a lot of you have questions if it is wheel chair accessible , it is a flat pasture and a yard , not a traditional parking lot , there are no stairs or closed gates and we have had plenty of wheelchairs come and get around fine , but I cannot say that for each individual .
The bathrooms are ports potty’s located to the right of the walkway near the barn area . Again , they are very wide and roomy but there is no ramp to get in them so I can not deem it handicap friendly .
There is no atm on sight , however most of our vendors use square , clover or some sort of pos system that can take cards and the closest atm is at the 7/11 at Dover and 60.
Free parking and admission ,
there is also a walk through area for you to use , it is against the fence line near the center of the house , so for your safety please don’t walk down the entrance and hop the fence or gate .. I promise we’ve made it easier for you than that !!
Please stay within the vending area , the barn , and back pasture is off limits ! There are animals in there that we want to keep in there , it is a private area .
The main house is also a private area except for the carport side ( opposite from barn side , same side as driveway ) there are a few shops INSIDE ! Take a look !
The bbq is located on the barn side , just look for the smoker , or use your nose 🙂 it is set up as a walkthrough instead of a drive through ! There will be a few tables for you to sit down and eat at . Kettle corn and lemonade , as well as a gourmet bakery vendor is set up nearly in front of the main house .