Event Management
- Reliable 24/7- 365 accessibility
- Unlimited amount of events
- Single or multiple events running concurrently
- Event coordinators can create and change events easily
- Events can be restricted to various members, groups or programs
- Variable event fees options such as: check fee, early bird, late, or payment at the door fees
- Automated fee changes by dates
- Goo
gle maps for event locations
- Graphics can be uploaded to event screens
Family, spouse, guardian, guest, and officer registration options
- Automated waiting list options
- Automated waiting list notifications
- Automated email notifications, responses, or warnings
- Customizable text, colors and graphics for all automated emails
- Email receipt confirmations
- Automated yearly event roll over
- Duplication options for similar events
- Multiple online reporting features
- Multiple charting styles and colors
- Real-time customizable event reporting
- Real-time customizable membership reporting
- Real-time financial reporting
- Real-time strength and/or head count reports
- Changeable report settings and styles
- Create personal customized reports
- Report viewing styles in Flash, HTML, and PDF
- Multiple report exporting format options: PDF, RTF, Text, TIFF, Excel, CSV
- Yearly expense report for groups or members
- Multiple levels of authorization access
- Access levels can be customized for viewing, editing, and deleting data
- Can utilize all functions listed below depending on authorization levels
- Manual adjustments of members in groups and programs
- Manual adjustments of members in events
- Transfer members within groups and events
- Manual adjustment and recording of fees
- Ability to send mass emails to all members or entire program
Program Structures
- Multiple levels of access
- Multiple policy management options
- Mandatory policy acceptance prior to registration
- Flexibility of access for different individuals
- Multiple program fee options can be set with various levels of authorization
- Multiple family member discount options
- Family membership affiliation discount options
- Member profiles can be easily changed or modified at any time
- Only registered and paid members are considered active
- Programs or Groups can be closed, restricted, or require authorization before registering
- Email notifications with new member registration, or additional family member registrations
- Email notifications may be restricted to various members
- Customizable online store options
- Personalized program links, with various levels of access
- Customizable member or group information pages
Personal Calendar
- Shows registered and non-registered events
- Shows events for multiple members or groups
- Ability to color code events for members or groups
- Downloadable calendar into, I pod, Google calendar