ONE DAY UTA HAGEN ACTING WORKSHOP! In-depth techniques to advance your acting no matter what level you are at. This day will be jam-packed with Uta Hagen techniques broken down into fun, easy, practical steps! You will be up on your feet acting throughout the day, putting these techniques to the test. At the end of the workshop you will walk away with new tools to apply to any role, whether on stage or in front of a camera. Come and learn why Uta Hagen was such a brilliant Master Teacher - learn her practical, brilliant techniques that will make a difference to any acting you do!
WHAT: Join us for a day when we immerse ourselves in Uta Hagen Techniques! Through exercises, scene work, and fun we will learn some of Uta Hagen's most important acting tools and how to apply them to any role. You will be up on your feet acting and learning throughout the day, leaving the workshop with several techniques you will be able to use over and over again. Come find out why Uta Hagen is considered one of the greatest teachers of our time!
DATE: Saturday, June 8th
TIME: 10am - 4:30pm
COST: $175
LOCATION: Movie Makers
5502Turkey Farm Road, Durham 27705
Snack/Lunch/Water Bottle
Something to write on (scribbler/journal)
Comfortable clothes you can move in
REGISTER: EASY. Just [email protected] and Melissa will register you! We have very limited spots available to keep the class size small, ensuring everyone gets lots of attention!