I spoke to one of my cousins recently. He said to me GOD is keeping alive because I must have more to do.
I’ve been given five years to live. I am in my 5th year. I am blessed and well for a cancer patient. I have been told many times I don’t look like I have cancer. I can’t believe you were paralyzed until I showed them my physical therapy videos.
I could be mad at GOD even though I was paralyzed for about two yrs. October 14, 2019 between 5 & 5:30 I walked out of my home to head to the ER. I opened the passenger car door and I no longer felt my legs. Tres bolted to my side of the car because I was sliding toward the ground.
We moved from Morehead City to Durham in 2017. We lived/rented a home for roughly two years. Unbeknownst to us, the person we were renting from put the house on the market. We did not find out until people would ask to see the home and we did not have a clue what was going on. Our home was being sold while we were still living in it. The gentleman who eventually bought it was kind enough to tell us the truth about it being on the market. We had less than 30 days to vacate. He was nice enough to work with us because our new home was not available to us for a couple more days. It was a stressful time.I don’t remember how I found our new home but I found a home close to Duke Medical Hospital. I lived in my new place for 24 hours before having to head to Duke ER. GOD knew, saw, and placed me where me (us) close to where I would end up.
I could be mad at GOD but the day I was diagnosed with cancer 10/15/2024 - it was the monthly meeting for all Duke surgeons. I was told every surgeon present wanted my case. I had an exceptional Neurosurgeon and excellent team (neuro, oncology, and one other team that I cannot remember). I was in Duke ICU for a week before moving to the cancer ward. I was now dealing with cancer, paralysis and a SCI (Spinal Cord Injury). I was told my T7 was dust. I am now down one vertebrae. My spine looks like a toothless smile.
One morning, while sitting in my bed on the cancer ward at Duke a small voice spoke to me. It said “You will walk again.” I don’t know why but I believed the voice. Four years later I am walking again. To GOD be the GLORY! I was housed on the cancer ward from mid October until mid November. Then I was transported to Duke Regional Hospital on the 4th floor which is dedicated to physical therapy of all types. I had to learn everything again and from a new perspective.
I now know the true meaning of a Heavenly Father. My dad (who I loved and still love greatly) died shy of my 15th birthday. At the time, it was the most horrible thing I had experienced. I have been without a father for a very long time. I tried to replace my father (lack thereof) in many ways which caused more harm than good. But, all the while I had a Heavenly Father looking after me through all of my ups and downs and trials. I am still here not by may doing but HIS!
So, I could be mad but I am NOT because I am still here to see my son (who actually saved my life when I was younger) because I was on a very, very destructive path but GOD blessed me with a child who I could focus on and love. I have a magnificent grandchild who is bright, kind, and loving and who I love dearly! And with Tres. Who has shown me kindness and gentleness through every step of this journey. My life was and is not the only life impacted. Tres’ life has changed tremendously. Even Though we have our ups and downs. I would not want to go through this without him
I am blessed. I have family, friends, shelter, food, and the luxury of taking a bath/shower at whim, to drink safe water, watch tv, turn on lights, put on clean clothes (and a choice of clothes) and transportation.
This Thanksgiving is truly a thankful time for me. I am grateful to GOD for all I have, all I go through every day. I open my eyes each day given to me. There are millions upon millions of people who cannot say the same.
So, take time to think of your blessing and be truly Thankful this Thanksgiving!
From NCOyster365, We wish you all a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!!!
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