Thanks for a great 2024 season!
See ya in 2025!
Today is the day! The LAST DAY of the 2024 season at Eagle Falls. Come get in the last bit of adventure golf and laser tag until next year. 10am-6pm.Second round of golf is half off or mix and match with laser tag. #eagleriverwi #vilascounty #northwoods #familyfun #lastdayoftheseason #minigolf #lasertag
It’s (almost) closing time..the sun is setting on the 2024 summer season and the last day of Eagle Falls is almost upon us. Get your last full of adventure golf and laser tag THIS SATURDAY. We’ll be open from 10am-6pm on what should be a pretty nice day. #eagleriverwi #northwoods #familyfun #closingtime
It’s RAINING BUCKETS TODAY (like our big eagle waterfall!) but Saturday is gonna be beautiful!ONLY TWO DAYS LEFT OF THE EAGLE FALLS SEASON! Saturday Sept 7 and Saturday Sept 14, 10am-6pm both days. Come get your fill of adventure golf and laser tag before summer ends.
Happy Labor DayWe are open from 10 AM to 6 PM today. Bring in the whole family for fun. Second round of golf is half off, or mix and match with laser tag. Enjoy 18 holes of adventure golf, climbing and scrambling over rocks and trying fun trick shots. Or enjoy the laser tag in our two-story, black light arena, packed with mazes and hidey-holes. With your vest and phaser, it’s so much fun. #eagleriverwi #vilascounty #northwoods #minigolf #lasertag #laborday #familyfun
It’s a lovely day today! Enjoy adventure golf, with waterfalls and fountains to keep ya cool, during the whole Labor Day Weekend at Eagle Falls. Saturday and Sunday 10am-10pm and Monday 10am-6pm.
Don’t forget, we are closed thing week Monday through Thursday!We will be open again for Labor Day Weekend Friday through Sunday 10am-10pm and Labor Day Monday 10am-6pm. #eagleriverwisconsin #vilascounty #northwoods #labordayweekend
Happy Sunday! Second to last Sunday of Eagle Falls summer season. It’s going to be a gorgeous day in the Northwoods, and with that autumn crisp in the air, Sundays will soon be for cheering on the green and gold. So get your fill of mini golf and laser tag today! Eagle Falls will be closed Mon-Thurs next week, open Fri-Sun 10am-10pm and Mon 10am-6pm of Labor Day weekend, and then just two Saturdays after. #eagleriverwisconsin #vilascounty #northwoods #sunday #gopackgo #minigolf #familyfun
The end of summer is creeping up on us..get your fix of mini-golf and laser tag at Eagle Falls soon!We are open through Sunday of this weekend from 10am-10pm. We will be closed Monday-Thursday of next week, but open again for Labor Day Weekend Friday-Sunday 10am-10pm, and Monday from 10am-6pm. And then our last days of the season will be Saturdays September 7 and 14 from 10am-6pm. Come play the most fun adventure golf course in the Northwoods, or play laser tag in the two-story, 3000 sq/ft arena. Second round half off or mix and match with laser tag. #eagleriverwi #vilascounty #northwoods #endofseason #minigolf #lasertag #hurryup
Whelp, it’s about that time! Summer season is coming to an end, and so will Eagle Falls open hours.Regular summer hours (10am-10pm everyday) are done THIS SUNDAY. We will be closed the following Monday-Thursday, but open for Labor Day weekend, Friday Aug 30- Sunday Sept 1 from 10am-10pm, and then Labor Day Monday from 10am-6pm. After that, Saturday’s September 7 and 14 will be open from 10am-6pm, and then it’s a total wrap on the 2024 season!Thank you to everyone who came to Eagle Falls this summer. And thanks to all our fantastic employees! Only nine more days of the best adventure golf and laser tag in the Northwoods available, make sure you get in a last round. #eagleriverwisconsin #vilascounty #northwoods #minigolf #lasertag #familyfun #summerending
It’s Wednesday!, happy hump day! You’ve made it halfway through the work week, reward yourself with a fun round of mini-golf at Eagle Falls. Come play 18 holes of adventure golf, with all sorts of trick shots, rocks to scramble around, and yes, humps to golf over. #eagleriverwi #vilascounty #humpday #wednesday #minigolf #littletreat