Hey Everyone!! PURDIETIME EVENTS AND SUCH LLC HAS SOME EXCITING NEWS!! We all know Romance should be practiced all year but In February cupid is a mist and love and romance is in the air even the more!!! Come celebrate Feb. 11th 2022 For A night of paint and sip!! Last year PURDIETIME EVENTSANDSUCHLLC did baskets this year I was back in forth on ideas because it's just so many romantic things to provide. We knew we wanted to introduce romance, but at the same time create an atmosphere for laughs and music, picture backdrop for those selfies we all love to take, finger foods and beverages! Single roses will be given to each special someone along side of chocolate covered strawberries!! PURDIETIME EVENTS wanted to put before you and atmosphere to enjoy your mate, yourself and even other locals! Join us for a romantic night of paint and sip! To purchase tickets and secure your seat hit the link below! If you would rather purchase via cash app inbox cash is welcome as well! (CANVASES WILL BE PREDRAWN!)!purdietime-events-and-such-llc.ticketleap.com/valentine-paint-while-you-sip-night/
Come out to the PurdieTime Event Center and enjoy a relaxed night of painting while you sip with your spouse. Perhaps you'll rather come alone? come out all is welcome. Enjoy a night of laughs and romance as soft R&b tunes surround the atmosphere. Indulge in selfies infront of a prepared photo valen...