To all small businesses and people trying to make a living please be advised that Pool rental properties like myself are being targeted and at risk of being shut down. We don’t have the most supportive neighbors and we had to deal with city enforcement a couple of times where they found nothing we were doing was wrong. We follow all city rules but we’ve heard some other rental properties don’t. City council had a meeting last year where they had thousands of complaints, not just pool rentals but Airbnbs too. This year they will meet this coming Tuesday February 4th where they will discuss and possibly make a decision on what to do with these rental properties. City council needs to understand that this doesn’t only hurt pool rentals but it also hurts various small businesses that we work together with like:
Table and Chair rentals
Jumping Ballon rentals
Food Catering
Snack Bars
Ballon decorators
Party Favors
Pool Cleaning companies
Trash Removal businesses
Music DJs
And many others
Please support by attending the open to the public meeting on 9:00 am February 4th, 300 N Campbell St, El Paso, TX 79901 . Share your experience either as a small business or a customer to one of these businesses. How it can affect everyone. We ask instead of them wanting to shutting it down they can put rules and regulations we all can follow and make it fair all across. Thank you 🙏
Those who maybe rented last year would love to share personal experience are invited too.