I started this post in May of last year, but just couldn't deal with it at that time.
As I read through, edited and read through again, I made a decision. I decided that, though I try very hard to keep this page upbeat, sometimes the realities of life are unavoidable. And so there you have it, life isn't always flowers, frills and pretty words. Here is a thought provoking post from the draft folder May 2017.
Sleepless in Elk Grove just doesn't off the tongue like sleepless in Seattle. What do I think about when I can't sleep? The answer is, too much. Like anyone else the Rev. has burdens, but mostly I think about things that I have little chance of fixing. Many times, they are things that don't even directly affect me, but my brain won't let them alone.
When I do weddings it is usually mostly happy people sharing a joyous occasion. When the party is over and life goes back to "normal", the real work begins. My job is done, everything is legal and you're still feeling the glow. It is now make or break time. Learning how to chose your battles, learning that you can't always win or be right. It is about embracing what you have in common and realizing that each of you is unique. It is remembering to celebrate each day as a chapter or a page in your life together.
But as perfect as each couple seems on their wedding day, they may not be perfect for each other down the road. As I have tried to stay in touch with a lot of my couples here on Facebook, I see how ugly and painful, making that decision can be. I can try to be neutral lend an ear or shoulder, even give counsel on occasion. Mostly I just have to watch like friends and family.
Splits happen for so many reasons, but please try and be civil, especially if there are children and or pets involved. Type all the ugliness you want, but consider the possible cost if you hit the send or publish key. Emails, text messages and FB fueds can be used as evidence (ammo) in court and may push folks off the fence in one direction or the other.
Though it is my wish that no one goes through the hell of a divorce, but there are times when people are just toxic to each other. In those cases, outside factors that should push them together and strengthen their bond, serve to bring out the worst in each of them. At that point, there seems to be no turning back and a vicious cycle spins out of control and going in separate directions is the only way to find peace.
May you all be blessed with a forever someone. A person will stand beside you through life's trials, over every bump and pothole, through morning sickness, stiff joints, every celebration, every sorrow, who'll remember what you forget and vice versus, who'll love you when you are old and gray and sometimes cranky. That's what it is suppose to be all about.