🚜 Customer Floral Sympathy Tribute. Created for a local farmer. I added textured chicken wire, the man’s hat, tractor ribbon and some mini Kohn Deere toy tractors. 🚜 #johndeeretractor #customfloraldesign #floralexpressionswithjolene #jolenepowellfloraldesigner #elktonvaflorist #aifdsouthernchapter #printedribbon #eliteribbonprinter #greenroses #yellowroses #casketspray #bakerfern
@simspottery @johndeere @johndeereclassic
🌿Create a fun Bridal Bouquet🌿 Gather your tools, pick your flowers, wire and tape each flower, add a fun decorative element. I used pearl beads with silver bouillon wire. Wrap the stems with double face satin. #bridalbouquet #weddingbouqet #whitesprayroses #greentrickdianthus #astrantia #aspidistraleaves #whiteroses #pearlbeads #boullionwire #doublefacesatinribbon #jolenepowellfloraldesigner #floraldesigner #weddingfloraldesigner #floralexpressionswithjolene #elktonvaflorist #elktonvafloraldesigner
@aifdsouthernchapter @swf_floral @fsfanow @ncsfa @ncsfa.ig @ifdaflorists
🌿Create a fun Bridal Bouquet🌿 Gather your tools, pick your flowers, wire and tape each flower, add a fun decorative element. I used pearl beads with silver bouillon wire. Wrap the stems with double face satin. #bridalbouquet #weddingbouqet #whitesprayroses #greentrickdianthus #astrantia #aspidistraleaves #whiteroses #pearlbeads #boullionwire #doublefacesatinribbon #jolenepowellfloraldesigner #floraldesigner #weddingfloraldesigner #floralexpressionswithjolene #elktonvaflorist #elktonvafloraldesigner
@aifdsouthernchapter @swf_floral @fsfanow @ncsfa @ncsfa.ig @ifdaflorists
🌸Happy National Floral Designer Day- Feb 28th🌼 Love what I do! 🌹 Flowers bring so many emotions and are given or used for so many expressions…Love, Celebration and Sympathy to name a few. 🌿 #nationalfloraldesignerday #elktonvaflorist #floralexpressionswithjolene #aifd #aifdsouthernchapter #fsfa #ncsfa #businessowner #floraldesignersofinstagram #floraldesigner #feb28th
💚 Fresh Wrapped Bouquet for Peter Pan Musical Performance 💚 Mix of Glittered Carnations, white Cremones, Green Tric dianthus, sword fern, Israel Ruscus, and white roses. #presentationbouquet #glittercarnations #whitecremonemums #cremonemums #greentrickdianthus #whiteroses #swordfern #lofloralsuplypaper #floralexpressionswithjolene #elktonvaflorist #wrappedbouquet #greenandwhitebouquet
@fsfanow @aifdsouthernchapter @swf_floral @floriologyinstitute @lofloristsupplies @erhsmusical @eastrockfamily
🧡Doing what I love….This is what I want to be! 💚Great time presenting @floriologyinstitute for Florida State Floral Association’s Mid Season Summit in Jacksonville, Florida. 💛
@fsfanow @aifdsouthernchapter @artisticdesignsunlimited @jennasleeman_aifd @ferntrustinc @rosaprimaroses @deborahdelaflor @jena_rosaprima_cfd @ifdaflorists
✈️ headed to Floriology in Jacksonville to present at the Mid Season Summit for Florida State Floral Association International (FSFAI)! ⚡️Be Ready to Be Energized! ⚡️ Looking forward to a great time with my Flower Family.
@floriologyinstitute @fsfanow @aifdsouthernchapter @ncsfa @bloomnet @ncsfa.ig @swf_floral
#floralexpressionswithjolene #elktonvaflorist #fsfa #aifdsouthernchapter #ncsfa #floraleducation #floriologyinstitute
🎨I make custom floral tributes, logo’s, patches, jumbo designs…all with silk flowers. 🌸 This was one of my shop window displays. 🎨 Working on our next window display….Coming soon! Follow to see once it’s posted. #customfloraldesigner #silkflowers #floralexpressionswithjolene #elktonvaflorist #elktonvafloraldesigner #funeralflowers #sympathytributes #companylogos #jumbodesigns
@fsfanow @simspottery @aifdsouthernchapter @aifd_official
🥴Who had ever had their Standing Spray Floral Arrangement fall forward because the plastic cage broke under the weight of flowers and foam? ✋🙀 If you are not securing your foam cage, you may want to start….can be embarrassing to have this happen at the funeral home or church in front of others. 🙄Take the time to do this extra step to help prevent this from possibly happening.🤩 #anounceofprevention #bowltape #floralbowltape #floralcage #elktonvaflorist #floralexpressionswithjolene #funeralflowers @fsfanow @ncsfa @ncsfa.ig
🛑 Stop dunking your foam! 🛑
✅ Let it Soak! ✅ Those that dunk usually don’t keep it held under as long as I did in this video. For those of you that dunk, truly test yourself and dunk as you normally would and see if when you cut it open, if you have dry pockets. Dry pockets prevent water going up the floral stem. Thus, the flowers will die prematurely. Guarantee the foam is fully saturated by letting it soak. 👍🏻. ➡️Don’t come at me about using foam….the wet floral foam has come a long way and is way more biodegradable than in years past. While I use it less than in years past, there are still applications I find that I need it for.
#floralfoam #wetfoam #letitsoak #letfoamsoak #letoasisfoamsoak #oasisfloralproductsnamerica #oasisfoam #elktonvaflorist #floralexpressionswithjolene
@aifdsouthernchapter @fsfanow @oasisfloralproductsnamerica
🥰A HUGE THANK YOU to All of my staff and support team! 🌹You all helped make Valentines 2025 to be a success! ❤️Thanks to Michele, Michele and Jeannie for putting in some long (yet fun 😂) hours, and keeping the arrangements pumped out all day long. 👏🏻 Thanks to Tom, Steve, Afton and Decklyn for keeping the roads hot today with Many, Many, Many deliveries! 🚚 And Thank you to my wonderful customers, it was a pleasure to serve you all. 💐 Thanks to SWF for amazing products! Thanks to EC Flowers for some amazing roses! 🌹
#valentinesday2025 #iloveflowers #elktonvaflorist #floralexpressionswithjolene #ecflowers #florecal