It's not too late to pick up a Christmas arrangement! There is a great assortment of beautiful centerpieces and arrangements to choose from. We will be here until 1 today.
All sorts of fun halloween arrangements have been made!
One hatched over night and 2 more have hatched this morning! Stop in and get yours before they are all gone!
#gerlachsgardencenter #prayingmantids #prayingmantidseggcase #beneficialinsects
More mantids have hatched!
Our cooler is full of arrangements, made fresh daily, to choose from for your Valentine!
Happy December! Christmas is here, stop in and check out everything we have to offer this season.
We caught the first one in the video in the stage of just hatching. It was so awesome to watch! Plus 4 other eggs hatched over night.
#gerlachsgardencenter #prayingmantids #beneficialinsects #organiccontrol #organicpestcontrol
We just found two that are still in the process of hatching! They come out of the egg an almost clear cream color and then darken up to brown. These babies need to be sold today, so they can be released!
#gerlachsgardencenter #prayingmantids #beneficialinsects #babymantids #organicpestcontrol #organiccontrol
2 more hatched overnight! They need to be released today or they will eat each other.
#gerlachsgardencenter #prayingmantids #beneficialinsects #babymantids #organicpestcontrol #organiccontrol
We have some freshly made terrariums, that turned out amazing!
#gerlachsgardencenter #terrarium #terrariumgarden #tropicalslterrarium #succulentterrarium
We have babies hatching! This is the earliest we have ever seen the praying mantids hatch.
#gerlachsgardencenter #prayingmantids #babymantids
Bonus video of our pond and surrounding plants! Look at all the blossoms on our lemon tree and a few lemon starting to grow!
#gerlachsgardencenter #tropicalplants #tropicalgreenhouse #houseplants