If you appreciate the projects I do, then a great way to support that so they can continue is simply to buy the tickets sooner rather than later. If you know you want to attend SnowyGrass Music Festival 2024, then go ahead and order the tickets! I have always functioned from the "if you build it they will come" philosophy. I would love to see that figurative stream of lights virtually heading up the mountain. If you LIVE in Estes Park, this is a local event that brings great music and education to our community, and we are privileged to have this opportunity. The talented musicians in this genre are quite accessible--something you don't find at stadiums shows. But the talent should not be take for granted. The skill level is phenomenal. The Bluegrass jam circle has been the impetus for many kids and older adults alike to start playing an instrument. Don't miss the workshops that are actually made available for free event to non-festival attendees. (Donations are appreciated)
There are many upfront costs of a festival before the gates ever open -- venue rental, band deposits, and the costs of planning and managing the festival. There is a lot of faith that everything works out. You act like you're on the other side of success--as if it has already brought great success, and then you act accordingly--without having anything really set in stone. Isn't that crazy? But that's how cool things get to happen, I think. That is exactly what building it without ever really knowing people come, until they show up. It's helpful to show up and support now.
Here is a synopsis of some of these projects I do, and how and why I do these things
In 2017, I took over a one-time pop-up one-day festival with 3 bands and a couple food vendors, called Snowygrass. It would have been a one-hit wonder, but I felt like I owed it to the local bluegrass community to keep it going. In 8 weeks, I found supportive sponsors to finance it because they like the vision of it. Six months later, I decided to try concerts--not one, but 9. This series included: Ray Wylie Hubbard, Goodnight, Texas, Cary Morin, Bridget Law and ONDA, Colorado Gypsy Jazz Fest, Banshee Tree, The Al Capones, Meadow Mountain, and more.
Then, a 2nd SnowyGrass was followed by the first Upstream Songwriting Retreat, which has deeply affected dozens of songwriters.
2024 will be my 8th year producing SnowyGrass. It will be the 2nd year at Stanley Park--the first location of the Rocky Mountain Folks Festival. I hear all the time how "Estes Park ran it out of town", or "The old people didn't want it here because they didn't like loud music". I don't know about any of that. But, I do know that if this festival can continue to exist, it needs people to find its value and support it, not just with pats on the back, but through the simple action of purchasing tickets.
Thank you for your shares, RSVPs, and ticket orders!