My 2023 wedding season has come to an end. I'm so grateful for all of the opportunities I've had this year as I broke into the industry. Thank you so much to everyone who supported me! I wouldn't have made it this far without you.
From signing my first paying clients to organizing a vendor collaboration, this year has taught me a lot. I can't believe I've been in business for an entire year already! I've taken some big steps forward, had to jump a few hurdles, and I would be lying if I said I never considered quitting. While running a business can be difficult and stressful at times, I'm so glad I pushed through; this is truly my passion and I can't wait to see what the #2024weddingseason brings!
I'm also very excited to announce my 2025 calendar is now open! Book before January 1st to secure 2023 rates 😉
To my family, but especially my husband, thank you for all of the positivity and nudges in the right direction. Thank you for listening to me vent. Thank you for keeping me sane. I know you'll always have my back and this would feel impossible if I didn't have someone like you.
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