All Pro DJs Backyard Live Stream with Mr. Shoop
Testing out some technology to see if I can go live for a little while and play some music for ya.
And down comes the net as the @oregonwbb takes the @pac12conference regular season title. Thank you to @sabrina_i you have inspired so many young and old; Men, woman, boys and girls establishing the bench mark for greatness! #thankyou
This fan is stretching, and warming to cheer on these #ladyducks @oregonwbb #scoducks💚💛
Getting this light show dialed in for tonight’s MONSTER MASH @theradiodjs @agiprodj #mydmxgo #kidfriendlydj #allagesevent @djshmoo #oldbutstillcool
The calm before the storm in Moshofsky Center. #goducks #flexxonem #radiodjs #Mr_Shoop will be me and about 4000 of my closest friends.
I have been doing the 8th Grade Graduation Party at Meadowview School for 15 years. All my kids and neighborhood kids, sports teammates and my kids friends. Could it be that this is my last one? Let’s party like it is anyhow! Tonight’s light show brought to you by @chauvetdj
This is the calm before the Storm. In less than 90 minutes these stands will be filled with fans ready to get hype and cheer on @oregonwbb. It’s an honor to be part of this production. #goducks
About 75 mini Cheerleaders joining University of Oregon Cheerleading for today’s game #goducks #go
Must be the 3rd qtr. let’s hold em @oregonwbb
Set up and ready to go for the 3rd annual #uglysweater5k #allprodjs
Just another Friday night at Get Air for the Bounce & Glow party.