We are so proud and excited to announce the cast list for Northwest10 2025 with their respective plays:
The Fabulists by
Directed by Scott Machado
Emily: Paige Walters
Mitchell: Bill Campbell
Pete: Josh Simpson
Bill: Larry Fried
Frank’s First Dance Recital by Martin Fogarty
Directed by Annie Craven
Frank: Max Arnold
Susie: Sabrina Haesche
The Ghostbot of Veronica Croft by Isaac Paris
Directed by Gil T. Rodello
Elizabeth: Zoe Holbo
Veronica/others: Jennifer Sellers
Happy Anniversary by Rich Rubin
Directed by Marla Norton
Colin: Lee Vogt
Dorothy: Diane DeBorde
Silver Sixpence by Jesse Pitts
Directed by Hailey Eckerdt
Eliza: Eryne Grant
Lily: Phoebe Thompson
Spread the Compost on the Weeds by Rose Heising
Directed by Jesse Merz
Myrtle: Pia Sosa Hildebrandt
Sue: Zepha Wright
Plantman: Michael Hoekstra
Stay by Amy Weinkauf
Directed by Paul Rhoden
Woman: Avery Eberardo
Delivery Person: David Arnold
The Whimsical Heartstrings of an Aging Child’s Plaything by Dale Light
Directed by Alex Holmes
Danny: Christopher Bucklew
Bear: Mark Van Barrick