Happy New Years Eve to you all! Thank you to all my wonderful customers for supporting my little flower shop. Alex asked her dad for some beach time for her Christmas present this year and I think my mother blessed us with this beautiful sunset to say she is watching over us. Thank you and love to you all. ❤️☀️
This kid makes me so happy. Belly laughs are the best. Don’t forget to laugh and be silly. I love everything about this. I think I have watched it 100 times. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bless you all. ❤️🌻💐🌸☀️❤️
I, like many others, have been feeling uncertain and anxious lately so I have been thinking of times when I was happy and making my brain think of that instead. I will try harder to post my happy bouquets too more often. My happy time I will post about today is from a few years ago when my best friend and I had a girls weekend to Vegas and how I remember thinking how everyone around me was soooooo happy to be singing and dancing to 80’s music on Fremont Street. I know that the alcohol helped but I remember the joy on most of the people’s faces as they sang the words to all the songs and danced even if they were not good at either thing. Turn on that 80’s music and sing and dance like you are drunk of Fremont Street!!! Bless you all. ❤️🌻💐🌸🥃☀️