Northwestern Bhangra Spring Tryouts 2020 Choreography
We are excited to share our spring tryout choreo for virtual tryouts! Take a look at the video, practice the steps alongside the tutorial, and fill out the Google form linked below! If you would like any additional help with learning the choreo, please send us a message and we will find a time to meet with you.
As a reminder, spring tryouts are only for students who currently attend Northwestern. If you're an incoming freshman, we look forward to seeing you in the fall!
Tutorial Video:
Tryout Video Submission:
Northwestern Bhangra on TikTok
Wondering what our team has been up to during quarantine? 👀 Check us out on TikTok!
Follow us @northwesternbhangra for more! 😎
— with Anika Mittu, Shiv Patel, Richa Sehgal, Richa Shah, & Tejas Sekhar
Northwestern Bhangra promo 2019-2020
oh yes, we’re BACK 😎
Come check us out at tryouts next week!! Remember, there’s no experience needed- we’re excited to see you there 🤪🤩😍👀😩
Northwestern Bhangra Spring Workshop
We had a great time running our Spring workshop last week, and we were so happy with the turnout! Everyone looked awesome, and we hope you all had a lot of fun!