Preparing for my own wedding… as most of my friends and family know Fall is my favorite time of the year. So I’ve chosen muted tones to compliment my champagne colored dress. 💕 love ALL these inspiration ideas…. I’m sure I’ll pull a little from each one. lol
“Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated.” – Paul Rand
Anyone can be a crafter… to see an idea, create something from a tutorial or a picture… but to be a true designer, an artist of your craft, whatever your medium is… takes years of practice, failures, mistakes and continually learning. To take criticism and compliments from your peers, clients, family and friends equally!
To embrace your strengths and weaknesses…. Keep your passion, keep learning, Keep creating and always keep smilin! 😘
Love & blessings Carey 💕
(Sharing a few of my designs that I loved and hope it inspires you to share yours!)
So much fun, dancing and celebration at last night's wedding of Dustin & Scile!
House a Hero 2015 drawing!!
Dancing with a Swing Cat!!!!
Dancing at House a Hero 2015
The lovely Gretchin Irons sings!!!
Bob Hope impersonator Lynn Roberts!
Bob and Gretchin sing......
Bob Hope and Gretchin Irons!!!