No Sleep Adventures is an adventure racing team and outdoor adventure promoter based in Southwestern Indiana. No Sleep Adventures promotes all types of outdoor adventure and adventure sport and is focused on leadership, teamwork, positive attitude, and physical and mental growth. We strive to have fun and develop new friendships thru individual and team endurance sports while increasing awareness
and interest in the area of adventure racing and endurance sports. As a team, we work to increase team members’ and other racers’ knowledge of outdoor adventure activities through races, regular meet-ups, training and other events, in an effort to improve racer performance, reach team goals, and promote outdoor adventure to others. Our Guiding Principles:
• Embody teamwork and cooperation
• Inspire and support athletes of all levels in all disciplines
• Bring recognition to adventure racing and other outdoor adventure
• Bring together racers from various adventure sports across the state
• Introduce new individuals to adventure sports
• Provide opportunities for team building and training
Provide opportunities for outdoor adventure