Hi all, Chef Suzy here. I'm feeling blessed and grateful. Enjoy Jackie's smile as we hit up Ann Arbor to celebrate Aquarius season.
There has been a lot of talk about DEI initiatives lately, and as put it, they are a gift.
Diversity is so important, and it works in all directions. At Chive I have seen people from very different backgrounds become the best of friends. Diversity brings knowledge and outside of the box thinking.
My parents were immigrants who came to the US legally. I will tell you - although here legally, they were treated poorly, taken advantage of, and ridiculed. My mom would come home crying...often.
Humans judge so let's not pretend that they don't. Human nature. Some humans are empathetic and helpful and others are mean hearted bullies.
Regulations are put in place by our free government to assure that a person has the right to earn money, survive, eat, pay for housing, take care of their family, pay taxes, etc.
With programs like DEI we are giving everyone despite of race, skin color, sexual orientation, religion or politics a chance. An inclusion. A place to try. A possibility. A future.
As an immigrants daughter, my teenage goal was to be an administrative assistant. That was top level for me because I wasn't aware of possibilities. I didn't know I could do more -- until people allowed doors to open for me. I showed up. I would never take that away from anyone. I will always pay it forward.
Although no longer a restaurant constantly hiring, we look at every label and every website to see what a company is about before we buy from them. We try to shop local when we can and we want to send our dollars to other businesses that are inclusive.
As a business owner I have always taken "everyone has a right to work" seriously. Everyone.
At Chive you will always be accepted by me, my family and my colleagues. Black. White. Brown. Gay. Trans. Christian. Atheist. Muslim. Jewish. Poor. Rich. I love all of you.
Salud - Chef Suzy